

Chemically Modified Fine Structure Technology of Roadbed Filler
摘要 随着我国经济的快速发展,我国交通行业发展日益加快。公路作为重要的交通运输途径,其重要意义不言而喻。路基作为公路的基础,其质量将影响着公路的整体质量,路基的填料是路基建设的基础组成部分,同时国家的相关规定对于公路路基的填料性能有着明确的要求与规范。随着可持续发展战略的不断发展,绿色环保理念的不断增强,路基填料化学改性微细结构技术逐渐应用广泛。基于此,分析了路基填料化学改性微细结构技术中的盐渍土路基填料改性技术以及膨胀土路基填料改性技术,希望以此为我国交通行业的建设提供一些思路。 With the rapid development of China’s economy,the development of China’s transportation industry is accelerating.Highways are an important means of transportation,and the importance of highways is self-evident.As the foundation of the road,the quality of the roadbed will affect the overall quality of the road.The filling of the roadbed is the basic component of the roadbed construction.At the same time,the relevant national regulations have clear requirements and specifications for the filling performance of the roadbed.With the continuous development of the sustainable development strategy,the concept of green environmental protection has been continuously enhanced,and the chemically modified fine structure technology of roadbed filler has been widely applied.Based on this,this paper analyzes the modification technology of saline soil roadbed filler and the modification technology of expansive soil roadbed filler in the chemically modified fine structure technology of roadbed filler,and hopes to provide some ideas for the construction of China's transportation industry.
作者 周群华 张晓千 Zhou Qun-hua;Zhang Xiao-qian
出处 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 2018年第11期88-89,共2页 Chemical Engineering Design Communications
关键词 路基填料 化学 改性细微结构技术 盐渍土 膨胀土 roadbed filler chemistry modified fine structure technology saline soil expansive soil
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