
大数据在地理国情监测中的应用探索 被引量:11

Research on the Application of Big Data in the Geographical Conditions Monitoring
摘要 随着互联网和信息技术的发展,新兴大数据作为驱动创新的源动力蓬勃发展,反映了人流、物流、信息流等在城市空间上的集聚和流动,是对传统静态数据的有益补充,在城市功能识别、职住关系挖掘、交通出行模拟等方面得到了广泛应用,逐渐成为研究城市问题的热点。回顾了地理国情普查和监测的过程以及主要内容,分析了大数据在地理国情监测中的应用前景,以自然资源部2018年国家地理国情监测立项课题——武汉市大数据城市空间格局变化监测试点为例,探讨了"地理国情+大数据"的研究思路,旨在通过监测城市土地利用静态地理空间和识别人口、经济、交通等动态社会空间,从区域城市格局、城乡体系格局和城市空间格局3个方面识别与监测城市空间格局特征和变化,反映土地利用与其上人类活动的关系,深层次揭示空间格局变化的内在规律和机制。 With the development of Internet and information technology,the new big data,as the driving force of innovation,is developing quickly and dynamically,which reflects the concentration and flow of people,logistics,information and so on in the urban space.It is a beneficial supplement to the traditional static data,and is widely used in the aspects of urban function identification,job-housing relation mining,traffic trip simulation and so on,which has gradually become a hot topic in the study of urban problems.In this paper,we reviewed the process and main contents of the geographical conditions census and monitoring,and analyzed the application prospect of big data in the geographical conditions monitoring.Taking the project of the Ministry of Natural Resources“the Change Monitoring of Wuhan Urban Spatial Pattern Based on Big Data”for example,we discussed the research ideas of the“Geographical Situation+Big Data”.By monitoring the static geographical space of urban land use and identifying the dynamic behavior space of population,economy and traffic,we will identify the characteristics and monitor the changes of urban spatial pattern from the three aspects of regional urban pattern,urban and rural system pattern and urban spatial pattern,which will reflect the relationship between land use and human activities,and reveal the inherent laws and mechanisms of spatial pattern transformation.
作者 罗名海 LUO Minghai
出处 《地理空间信息》 2018年第11期1-6,124,共7页 Geospatial Information
基金 地理国情监测国家测绘地理信息局重点实验室2016年开放基金资助项目(2016NGCM10)
关键词 大数据 城市空间 变化监测 big data urban space change monitoring
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