Correction to:Arakaki S,Maeshiro T,Hokama A,Hoshino K,Maruwaka S,Higashiarakawa M,Parrott G,Hirata T,Kinjo K,Fujita J.Factors associated with visceral fat accumulation in the general population in Okinawa,Japan.World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther 2016;7(2):261-267 PMID:27158542 DOI:10.4292/wjgpt.v7.i2.261[1].Erratum 1 In the Results and Discussion,the description regarding the relationship between several parameters and VFA is lacking.In the Results(page 263)within the right side column,after“…(P<0.05,Table 4).”,“Although statistically not significant,a univariate analysis also indicated that FPG and HbA1c were slightly higher and HDL-C was slightly lower in males with low VFA group(Table 3).”should be added.