
微生物和生物炭联用对猪粪堆肥后重金属Pb和Cd的钝化效果 被引量:17

Immobilization effect of Pb and Cd during composting of pig manure by combination of biochar and microbial agent
摘要 为探讨微生物和生物炭联用对畜禽粪便堆肥过程中重金属钝化效果的影响,该文研究生物炭(花生壳炭、木屑炭、玉米秸秆炭)与复合微生物菌剂联用对重金属Pb、Cd形态转化及钝化效果的影响。试验结果表明:9个处理高温期维持天数均达无害化卫生要求,生物炭添加比例对堆肥过程中温度变化影响显著。对Pb的钝化效果最优处理是24%花生壳生物炭和1%的菌剂(T9),可交换态分配率较堆前下降16.32%,钝化效率为74.60%。对Cd的钝化效果最优的处理是24%木屑炭和1.5%的菌剂(T3),交换态Cd与堆前相比下降7.96%,钝化效率为58.13%。统计分析结果表明,重金属Pb、Cd的钝化效果与堆肥过程中平均pH值呈显著正相关,重金属Pb的钝化效果与堆肥过程中温度平均值呈显著正相关,重金属Cd的钝化效果与有机质降解率呈显著正相关。 Heavy metals residual in pig manure compost causes potential risk on the soil and food security.The essence of the composting process is the process of microbial fermentation.The addition of biochar can change the living conditions of microorganisms in the addition system,and may directly or indirectly affect the population changes of functional microorganisms,thus affecting the migration of heavy metals.Therefore,this study used biochar and composite microbial bacteria agent as immobilization materials.Three kinds of biochar,which were peanut shell biochar,wood biochar,and corn stalk biochar,and composite microbial agents were added with different proportions during pig manure composting to investigate their immobilization effect of Pb and Cd.The results showed that all 9 treatments met the requirement of harmless treatment,while the temperature maintained above 50℃for over 2 days,high temperature(over 50℃)maintain time was 20,9,12,13,8,12,14,12,17 d,and the seed germination index reached 80%-85%.Different proportion of biochar had significant influence on temperature change during composting.The immobilization effect of three factors on heavy metal Cd reached a significant level(P<0.05),and the largest contribution rate was the proportion of biochar.There are linear correlation between heavy metal Pb,Cd immobilization effect and the average pH value,the average temperature during the composting and the organic matter degradation rate of the compost.The immobilization effect of Pb showed a significant positive correlation with the average pH value and average temperature during composting(P<0.05);and the immobilization effect of Cd was significant positive correlated with the average pH value(P<0.05)and degradation rate of organic matter(P<0.01).In the course of compost,the content of protein and polysaccharide content in water-soluble organic substances in the compost sample was significantly reduced,and the content of carboxyl group and aromatic family was increased,which indicated that the composting process was a process of gradually synthesizing macromolecular substances such as organic substances and so on,which can affect the conversion of heavy metals from the highly reactive form into lower activity form.The optimal treatment of Pb immobilization effect was 24%peanut shell biochar and 1%fungus agent in this study,and the exchangeable distribution rate decreased by 16.32%compared with raw materials before compost,and the immobilization effect was 74.60%.Analysis of variance showed that the immobilization effect of biochar ratio on Pb was extremely significant,and the contribution rate was the largest.The optimal treatment for the immobilization effect of Cd was 24%sawdust charcoal and 1.5%bacteria agent.Compared with raw materials before compost,the immobilization effect of exchangeable Cd decreased by 7.96%,and the immobilization effect was 58.13%.
作者 李冉 孟海波 赵立欣 周海宾 张曦 沈玉君 Li Ran;Meng Haibo;Zhao Lixin;Zhou Haibin;Zhang Xi;Shen Yujun(Institute of Energy and Environmental Protection,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering,Beijing 100125,China;Key Laboratory of Technologies and Models for Cyclic Utilization from Agricultural Resources,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100125,China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第23期164-169,共6页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划:好氧发酵过程重金属钝化及高效生物除臭关键技术与设备研究(2016YFD0800603)
关键词 堆肥 微生物 重金属 生物炭 钝化 composting heavy metals biochar microbial agent immobilization
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