
美国警方使用面部识别技术与公民隐私保护问题 被引量:5

Discussing on American Police Using Facial Recognition Technology and Privacy Protection
摘要 警方使用面部识别技术抓拍行人的面部特征,然后进行数据库比对的行为,是否侵犯公民享有的美国宪法第四修正案的隐私权呢?对此,美国学界有两种观点:侵犯隐私和不侵犯隐私。不侵犯隐私的主要理由是"公开场所无隐私";侵犯隐私的主要理由是该技术捕获到了公民的面部详细信息,面部追踪技术锁定个人的位置信息,以及经过数据库比对后披露的更为详尽的个人信息。在我国,也有国家执法机关使用该技术进行监控的案例,以及企业为了安全而使用面部识别技术的行为。为了保护公民的隐私,我们可以借鉴美国的相关判例和学说,对以上使用面部识别技术的行为加以规制。 Is it a violation of citizens’right of privacy under the Fourth Amendment to the American Constitution if the police use facial recognition technology to capture pedestrians’facial features and then conduct database comparisons?There are two viewpoints in American academic circles:invasion of privacy and non-invasion of privacy.The main reason for non-invasion of privacy is“no privacy in public places”;the main reason for invasion of privacy is that the technology captures the face details of citizens and the face tracking technology locks the location information of individuals,and then more detailed personal information will be disclosed after database comparison.In our country,there are also some cases in which the law enforcement agencies use this technology to monitor and control,as well as the enterprises use facial recognition technology for safety.In order to protect the privacy of citizens,we can learn from the relevant U.S.jurisprudence and theory,to regulate the above behavior.
作者 高荣林 GAO Ronglin(Department of Law,Hubei University of Police,Wuhan 430034,China)
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第6期39-47,共9页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目:数字时代警察电子搜查的宪法隐私权限制研究(18YJA820003) 武汉市法学会项目:政法机关智能化建设研究(2018ZD-11)
关键词 面部识别 美国宪法第四修正案 隐私保护 face recognition Fourth Amendment to American Constitution privacy protection
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