
货币激励为何失效?——金钱启动对酒店员工强制性组织公民行为的抑制效应 被引量:3

Why Monetary Incentives Fail?——The Inhibitory Effect of Money Priming on Compulsory OCBs of Hotel Employees
摘要 员工情非得已的利他行为被称为强制性组织公民行为。酒店组织普遍存在迫使员工加班、节能降耗等强制性组织公民行为,由此引发工作倦怠、职场排斥等劳资问题。为缓和强制性组织公民行为导致的劳资紧张,酒店组织普遍采用小额的货币激励进行情绪管理,但效果不尽人意。引入金钱心理理论,用一组2 (金钱启动VS无启动)×2 (时间利他VS资源利他)×2 (高主动性人格VS低主动性人格)情境实验验证货币激励对酒店员工强制性组织公民行为的实际作用后发现,小额货币激励会启动员工的金钱概念,强化员工对酒店时间利他型和资源利他型两类强制性组织公民行为的负面情绪体验,抑制行为实施意愿。并且,员工具备的主动性人格特质对金钱启动下的时间利他型强制性组织公民行为具有调节作用。研究结果为酒店人力资源管理提供实践指导,为消极组织行为理论拓展新的视角。 Employee s non-voluntary organizational citizenship behavior is named compulsory OCB.Hotels usually adopt two kinds of compulsory OCBs:employees being forced to work overtime and forced energy saving,which bring about work burnout,workplace exclusion,etc.To mitigate the tense relationship between the employer and employee caused by this,flexible emotional management is adopted with monetary incentives.With the psychological theory of money,an experiment is conducted covering 3 pairs of factors:money priming vs.no priming,time altruism vs.resource altruism,and high vs.low proactive personality.The purpose of this experiment is to test whether monetary incentives can help to deal with the problems caused by compulsory OCBs.It is found that monetary incentives evoke the employees money concept,and subsequently have an inhibitory effect on compulsory OCBs.As for time-altruistic compulsory OCBs,employees with high proactive personalities will experience weaker negative emotions,and are more willing to take the expected OCBs.These findings have practical implications for human resources management in hotels,and provide new theoretical perspective for studies in negative organizational behaviors.
作者 李蔚 徐海军 胡家镜 Li Wei;Xu Haijun;Hu Jiajing
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期151-158,共8页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 四川省教育厅"乡村旅游地能源消费模式转型与驱动机制研究"(SKB16-08)
关键词 金钱启动 主动性人格 强制性组织公民行为 money priming proactive personality compulsory OCBs
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