The traditional treatment of the hip with a slip of the capital femoral epiphysis has been an in situ fixation using a single screw.This has the sanctity of a long term result.Recent literature stresses the outcomes of failure to restore the upper femoral alignment and on the basis of the poor results makes a plea for capital realignment.This being a recent development,it lacks the support of long term follow up and it remains to be seen if this is a better alternative of managing displaced and unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis.The authors look at some of the available literature on the subject to highlight these controversies and their implications for orthopedic surgeons.Other controversies pertain to contralateral fixation,duration of immobilization and amount of weight bearing after an in situ fixation.
The traditional treatment of the hip with a slip of the capital femoral epiphysis has been an in situ fixation using a single screw.This has the sanctity of a long term result.Recent literature stresses the outcomes of failure to restore the upper femoral alignment and on the basis of the poor results makes a plea for capital realignment.This being a recent development,it lacks the support of long term follow up and it remains to be seen if this is a better alternative of managing displaced and unstable slipped capital femoral epiphysis.The authors look at some of the available literature on the subject to highlight these controversies and their implications for orthopedic surgeons.Other controversies pertain to contralateral fixation,duration of immobilization and amount of weight bearing after an in situ fixation.