
中国西藏兰科植物新资料 被引量:18

New information of orchids in Tibet,China
摘要 中国西藏东南地区位于东喜马拉雅和印缅的交接处,是全球生物多样性的热点地区,尤其是位于该地区的墨脱,由于巨大的海拔高差,使该地区的植被类型呈显著的垂直地带性,且植物种类繁多、植被结构复杂。该文报道了西藏野生兰科植物新记录属3个,即线柱兰属(Zeuxine)、爬兰属(Herpysma)和槽舌兰属(Holcoglossum);新记录种27个,即白肋线柱兰(Zeuxine goodyeroides)、爬兰(Herpysma longicaulis)、小花槽舌兰(Holcoglossum himalaicum)、西南齿唇兰(Anoectochilus elwesii)、窄唇蜘蛛兰(Arachnis labrosa)、短足石豆兰(Bulbophyllum stenobulbon)、尖角卷瓣兰(B. forrestii)、南方虾脊兰(Calanthe lyroglossa)、泰国牛角兰(Ceratostylis siamensis)、金唇兰(Chrysoglossum ornatum)、格力贝母兰(Coelogyne griffithii)、云南贝母兰(C. assamica)、斑舌兰(Cymbidium tigrinum)、梳唇石斛(Dendrobium strongylanthum)、狭叶金石斛((D. angustifolium)、厚唇兰(D. mariae)、粗茎苹兰(Pinalia amica)、垂叶斑叶兰(Goodyera pendula)、绿花斑叶兰(G. viridiflora)、狭叶羊耳蒜(Liparis perpusilla)、小花羊耳蒜(L. platyrachis)、三裂羊耳蒜(L. mannii)、镰叶鸢尾兰(Oberonia falcata)、阔瓣鸢尾兰(O. latipetala)、凹唇石仙桃(Pholidota convallariae)、大苞兰(Sunipia scariosa)、滇南矮柱兰(Thelasis khasiana)。这些植物新资料的发现,对于丰富西藏植物种类以及对该地区物种多样性的保护和研究具有重要意义。 Southeastern Tibet is located at the junction of two global biodiversity hotspots,the Eastern Himalaya and Indo-Burma region,especially Medog,which has significant plant vertical zonality,a wide variety of plants and complicated vegetation types,resulted by its huge elevation difference.This paper reported new information of Orchidaceae in Tibet,China,including three genra,Zeuxine,Herpysma,Holcoglossum,and twenty-seven new species including Zeuxine goodyeroides,Herpysma longicaulis,Holcoglossum himalaicum,Anoectochilus elwesii,Arachnis labrosa,Bulbophyllum stenobulbon,B.forrestii,Calanthe lyroglossa,Ceratostylis siamensis,Chrysoglossum ornatum,Coelogyne griffithii,C.assamica,Cymbidium tigrinum,Dendrobium angustifolium,D.mariae,D.strongylanthum,Pinalia amica,Goodyera pendula,G.viridiflora,Liparis perpusilla,L.platyrachis,L.mannii,Oberonia falcata,O.latipetala,Pholidota convallariae,Sunipia scariosa,Thelasis khasiana.The finding of the new material species enriches the plant species in the Southeast of Tibet and has a great significant meaning to study the plant species diversity and conservation.
作者 王喜龙 李剑武 王程旺 金效华 WANG Xilong;LI Jianwu;WANG Chengwang;JIN Xiaohua(Tibet Plateau Institute of Biology,Lasa 850001,China;Herbarium of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Menglun 666303,Yunnan,China;School of Life Sciences,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China;State Key Laboratory of Systematics and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100093,China)
出处 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期1440-1445,共6页 Guihaia
基金 西藏自治区自然科学基金(2016ZR-QY-04)~~
关键词 线柱兰属 爬兰属 槽舌兰属 兰科植物 新记录 西藏 Zeuxine Herpysma Holcoglossum Orchidaceae new record Tibet
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