
燕麦皮和甜菜粕对1~42 d肉鸡生长性能、消化道发育及营养物质消化率的影响 被引量:4

Effect of supplementation of oat hulls and sugar beet pulp on growth performance,development of digestive tract and nutrient digestibility of broilers
摘要 文章旨在对比日粮中添加纤维原料(燕麦皮或甜菜粕)对1~42 d肉鸡生长性能、消化道发育及营养物质消化率的影响。试验选择1日龄肉仔鸡336只,随机分为3组,每组4个重复,每个重复28只鸡。对照组饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础日粮,燕麦皮和甜菜粕组分别在基础日粮中添加0.2%燕麦皮或甜菜粕,试验共进行42 d。结果表明:与对照组相比,燕麦皮和甜菜粕组显著降低了1~10 d肉鸡料肉比(P <0.05);燕麦皮较对照组显著提高了1~10 d肉鸡日增重(P <0.05);燕麦皮组较对照组显著提高了1~42 d肉鸡的日采食量(P <0.05),较对照组和甜菜粕组显著提高了日增重(P <0.05),燕麦皮和甜菜粕组较对照组显著降低了试验全期的料肉比(P <0.05)。日粮添加纤维原料较对照组显著提高了肌胃的重量(P <0.05),其中甜菜粕组肌胃重量最高(P <0.05)。与对照组相比,燕麦皮和甜菜粕组显著提高了肌胃内容物含量和胃肠道相对重量(P <0.05)。日粮添加燕麦皮和甜菜粕颗粒显著提高了干物质、有机物、粗脂肪、灰分、氮和代谢能的表观消化率(P <0.05)。结论 :燕麦皮可以显著提高肉鸡生长性能和氮的表观消化率,而甜菜粕可以改善1~10 d肉鸡生长性能,但对25 d后肉鸡的生长性能有负面作用。 This study was aimed to compare the different fiber ingredient sources(oat hull and sugar beet pulp)on growth performance,development of digestive tract and nutrient digestibility of broilers.A total 336 broilers aged 1 d were allotted 3 groups with 4 replicates of 28 broilers.The control group fed the corn-soybean meal diets,and the trial groups were addition of 0.2%oat hull and sugar beet pulp,respectively.Results showed that oat hull and sugar beet pulp groups had lower feed gain ratio than the control group of 1~10 d broilers(P<0.05),and oat hull group had higher weight gain than the control group of 1~10 d broilers(P<0.05.At 25 to 42 days of age,oat hull group increased body weight gain(P<0.05)and feed intake(P<0.05)with respect to the control and sugar beet pulp fed birds.Feed gain ratio was improved(P<0.05)by the inclusion of oat hull or sugar beet pulp(P<0.05).Dietary fiber sources increased(P<0.05)the relative weight of the gizzard,an effect that was more pronounced(P<0.05)with oat hull than with sugar beet pulp.Gizzard digesta content and the relative weight of the gastrointestinal tract)increased with fiber inclusion(P<0.05)and in this case the effects were more evident with sugar beet pulp than with oat inclusion.Dietary fiber sources improved the digestibility of dry matter,oat hull,organic matter,crude fat,crude ash,nitrogen and metabolism energy(P<0.05).In conclusion,we indicated that oat hull inclusion consistently improves growth performance,nitrogen retention and nutrient digestibility in broilers,while sugar beep pulp improves performance from 1 to 10 days of age but has an opposite effect after 25 days of age.
作者 韩润清 杨培峰 于慧 孟艳琴 柴霞 赵瑞媛 HAN Runqing;YANG Peifeng;YU Hui;MENG Yanqin;CHAI Xia;ZHAO Ruiyuan(Ordos Vocational College of Eco-environment Neimenggu,Ordos 017010,China)
出处 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2018年第22期72-76,共5页 China Feed
关键词 肉鸡 燕麦皮 甜菜粕 生长性能 营养物质消化率 broiler oat hull sugar beet pulp growth performance nutrient digestibility
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