
山东日照黄泥梁旧石器时代遗址发掘简报 被引量:2

A preliminary report on excavation of the Huangniliang site in Rizhao, Shandong Province
摘要 黄泥梁旧石器时代遗址埋藏于山东省日照市丝山东麓的黄土台地中,2006年发现,2011、2012年进行复查和试掘,2013年正式发掘,发掘面积约50 m2。遗址文化层厚约1.2m,位于地表下3-4m处,经光释光测定,文化层的年代为54-59 kaBP。本次发掘出土有编号的石制品1876件,包括石核、石片、石锤、工具、断块等,此外还有大量的碎屑类石制品。石料主要为脉石英和安山岩两种,大多就地取材。石制品类型以石片、断块为主,石核有一定比例,石锤上的打击痕迹明显,工具数量较少,以简单加工的刮削器为主。石制品的剥片、加工技术均为硬锤直接打击法。初步分析表明黄泥梁遗址为一处原地埋藏的石器制作场所。 The Huangniliang site located in Rizhao City,Shandong Province was discovered in 2006 and excavated from April to June,2013 by staff from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology and the Shandong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology.The excavated area reaches nearly 50 m^2.Three stratigraphic layers were identified,with a total thickness of 6 m.The section at the base is weathered granite crust;this is overlain by 1.2 m of silty aeolian sediment which yielded flaked lithic artifacts,and then by 3-4 m of a loess-like deposit with granite breccia.The OSL dating method was applied to the site,and results bracket the archaeological layer between 59 and 54 ka BP.A total number of 3516 stone artifacts was excavated from the site,including 1876 pieces plotted in three-dimensions and 1640 pieces of debitage smaller than 1cm.The stone artifact assemblage includes hammerstones(n=7),cores(n=62),flakes(n=533),chunks(n=592),debris(n=658)and retouched tools(n=24)which were mainly manufactured from vein quartz and andesite available from outcrops and the valley near to the site.The retouched tools are dominated by scrapers,mainly made on flakes and chunks.Worthy of special mention is the discovery of seven heavily-used hammerstones,some of which are well-rounded pebbles.This implies that they may have been transported into the site because no gravel layers have been identified nearby.The low frequency of retouched tools and the relatively high percentage of cores demonstrate that blank production was probably the primary activity practiced at the site.The artifact assemblage shows that the principle flaking technique was direct hard-hammer percussion,and little core preparation is present.According to the characteristics of the assemblage and the fact that the site is close to the raw material sources in the region,it is possible that the site was used as a manufacturing locus for stone blanks.
作者 陈福友 李罡 李玉 李锋 张双权 仪明洁 CHEN Fuyou;LI Gang;LI Yu;LI Feng;ZHANG Shuangquan;YI Mingjie(Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100044;CAS Center for Excellence in Life and Paleoenvironment,Beijing,100044;Shandong Provincial Institute of Relics and Archaeology,Jinan 250012;Rizhao City Administration of Cultural Heritage,Rizhao 276826;The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049;School of History,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872)
出处 《人类学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期542-552,共11页 Acta Anthropologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金(41502022)
关键词 山东 黄泥梁遗址 旧石器 石制品 氧同位素3阶段早期 Shandong Province Huangniliang site Paleolithic stone artifacts early stage of Marine Isotope Stage 3
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