
基于身体活力和老化速度的40~65岁男性体质年龄模型的构建 被引量:13

Construction of Physical Age Model for Men Aged 40~65 based on Physical Vitality and Aging Speed
摘要 目的:基于体育活动能够改善身体活力和延缓老化速度的研究假设,在全民健身的大背景下构建体质年龄模型来个体化评估身体活力和老化速度。方法:研究对象为40~65岁健康男性76名。选取与日历年龄相关的身体形态、成分和活动能力等体质测量指标,采用主成分分析法构建体质年龄模型并验证有效性。结果:构建了体质年龄模型公式,体质年龄=0.58×日历年龄-5.9×第1主成分分析得分+21.7,第1主成分得分=0.110×X4+0.104×X3+0.914×X2-0.033×X1-9.52(X1,腰围;X2,时间肺活量;X3,纵跳;X4,横向反复跨步移动)。结论与建议:体质年龄模型能够有效评价身体活力和老化速度,它可以作为健康管理的参考指标、运动干预效果的评价指标来评估中老年人体质健康状况。建议将体质年龄这一指标纳入到中老年人体质健康评价体系之中。 Objective:Based on the research hypothesis of physical activity improving physical vitality and reducing aging speed,the purpose of this study was to build a physical fitness age model under the background of national fitness.Methods:Seventy-six adult male subjects aged 40-65 years old took part in our study.Several indicators including body shape,body composition and physical activity which related to calendar age were selected.Principal component analysis was used to build a physical fitness age model and verify the validity.Result:Physical fitness age=0.58×calendar age-5.9×first principal component scores(FPS)+21.7,FPS=0.110×X4+0.104×X3+0.914×X2-0.033×X1-9.52(X1,waist circumference;X2,forced vital capacity;X3,vertical jump;X4,stepping side by side).Conclusion and suggestion:The physical fitness age model can effectively assess physical vitality and aging speed,which can be used as a reference indicator of health management,an evaluating indicator of effect of exercise intervention to assess physical health of middle-aged and elderly.It is suggested that physical fitness age should be as an important indicator that included in the physical health evaluation system for middle-aged and elderly individuals.
作者 赵晓光 顾耀东 于佳彬 马晔 周喆啸 李建设 ZHAO Xiao-guang;GU Yao-dong;YU Jia-bin;MA Ye;ZHOU Zhe-xiao;LI Jian-she(Research Academy of Grand Health,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China;Faculty of Sport Science,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China.)
出处 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期68-75,共8页 China Sport Science and Technology
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(18NDJC101YB)
关键词 体质年龄 身体活力 老化速度 体质测量 physical fitness age physical vitality aging speed physical measurements
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