
肾内科护士风险管理能力培育的实践与探讨 被引量:9

Discussion on Training of Nurses' Risk Management Ability in Nephrology Department
摘要 目的探讨肾内科护士护理风险管理能力培育的应用价值。方法选择我院肾内科收治的136例住院患者以及肾内科入科工作不满1年的30名护士作为研究对象。比较两组护士的KAP得分、并发症以及风险管理相关知识掌握情况,收集护理风险事件发生情况和两组护士服务的患者满意率。结果两组护士的护理风险知识掌握情况、护理态度及护理行为有明显提高,KAP得分高于实施前,实施后对并发症相关知识的掌握情况均高于实施前,观察组的护理风险事件发生率2.94%明显少于对照组的16.18%,观察组的治疗满意率97.06%明显高于对照组的85.29%,差异具有统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论肾内科护士管理培育中采用护理风险管理能力教育,有助于培养良好的风险意识,提高对风险管理的整体认识,减少并发症及风险事件发生,提升患者满意度,效果显著。 Objective To explore the application value of nursing risk management ability cultivation of nurses in the nephrology department.Methods A total of136inpatients who were admitted to nephrology department in our hospital and30nurses who had been working in the department of nephrology for less than1years were selected as the subjects of study.We compared the Knowledge Awareness Practice(KAP)scores,knowledge of complications and risk management between nurses in two groups.We also collected the occurrence of nursing risk events and the patient satisfaction rate of two groups of nurses'services.Results The nursing risk knowledge,nursing attitude and nursing behavior of the two groups of nurses were obviously improved,and the KAP score was higher than that before the implementation.The knowledge of complications after implementation was higher than that before the implementation.The incidence of nursing risk events in the observation group(2.94%)was significantly lower than that of the control group(16.18%).The treatment satisfaction rate of the observation group(97.06%)was higher than that of the control group(85.29%),and the difference was statistically significant(p<0.05).Conclusion The use of nursing risk management ability education in the management and cultivation of nephrology nurses is helpful to cultivate good risk awareness,improve the overall understanding of risk management,reduce complications and risk events,improve patient satisfaction,and have remarkable effect.
作者 贺栋梅 HE Dong-mei(The Third People's Hospital of Hangzhou)
出处 《医院管理论坛》 2018年第12期49-51,共3页 Hospital Management Forum
关键词 护理 风险管理 肾内科 新入职护士 Nursing Risk management Nephrology department New recruits nurses
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