
韦瑟罗尔奶奶和孔塞普西翁的创伤治愈之路 被引量:2

The Healing Paths of Granny Weatherall and Maria Concepción
摘要 文章以创伤理论为依据,探讨两个短篇小说《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》和《玛丽亚·孔塞普西翁》中女主人公所遭受的不同类型创伤,及两人应对创伤的不同方式。通过细致的文本分析,揭示作家凯瑟琳·安·波特为创伤的治愈所构建的道路,一条是韦瑟罗尔奶奶所走的,即通过建立新的关系,建立安全感,回忆创伤事件等来完成创伤的修复,另一条是孔塞普西翁的极端方式。这两者代表不同社会环境中的选择。两篇小说反映了在不同社会历史环境下女性的苦难与挣扎,也体现了作者对这一社会问题的深刻思考。 Based on the trauma theory,this paper discusses the different types of trauma suffered by the heroines,as well as their different ways of dealing with the traumain two short stories:The Jilting of Granny Weatherall and Maria Concepción.Granny Weatherall experienced a lot of emotional trauma during her life,such as being abandoned by her fiancéGeorge,her husband John's untimely death and the loss of her child Hapsy.Maria Concepción also suffered bereavement.Moreover,her beloved husband eloped with the village girl Maria Rosa,which brought her enormous suffering.The two responded differently to trauma:Granny worked hard and raised her children to build a sense of security,and tried to get out of trauma through memories at the last moment.And Maria tried to rebuild her relationship with the outside world,restore her safe living environment and heal her wounds by taking such kind of a violent way of killing Rosa.Through careful textual analysis,it reveals that the writer Katherine Ann Porter has constructed different paths for the healing of trauma.One of the path iswhatGranny Weatherallhas taken,which is to heal trauma by establishing new relationships,building a sense of security and recalling traumatic events.The other is the extreme way of Maria Concepción.They represent choices in different social environments.The two women both experienced trauma and dealt with it in different ways,which reflects the sufferings and struggles of women in different social and historical environments,as well as the author's profound thinking on these social issues.
作者 陈磊 于元元 CHEN Lei;YU Yuanyuan(School of Foreign Languages,Anhui University,Hefei,Anhui 230601)
出处 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2018年第12期116-120,143,共6页 Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
基金 2015安徽省高校人文社会科学研究重点项目"20世纪美国女性作家短篇小说中的畸人形象研究资助项目"(SK2015A250)
关键词 创伤治愈 女性创伤 凯瑟琳·安·波特 healing of trauma female trauma Katherine Ann Porter
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