

Mechanism Research of Distributed Task Release and Pricing Regulation
摘要 在众包平台下,"拍照赚钱"软件开始新兴发展,但在分布式任务发布中存在着多任务多用户争相选择的问题。针对此问题,本文建立多元线性回归模型进行定价调控,通过打包过程选取任务与会员的最小距离,进而修正原定价模型。 On the Crowdsourcing Platform,the software of taking photos to make money is developing quickly,but there are multiple users selecting multiple tasks.Aiming at this problem,the multiple linear regression model is built to control the pricing,the distance of task and user can be selected by packaging process,then the original pricing model is corrected.
作者 张静 ZHANG Jing(The City College of Jilin Jianzhu University, Changchun Jilin 130114, China)
出处 《长春师范大学学报》 2018年第12期13-17,共5页 Journal of Changchun Normal University
基金 吉林省高等教育学会研究课题"依托‘实践共同体’提升工科类民办院校数学学科青年教师核心素养的研究"(JGJX2017D336)
关键词 多任务多用户 定价调控 打包 容错率 multiple users multiple tasks pricing regulation packaging process error-tolerant rate
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