读书声又名声读,是为了理解古文的意思而添加旋律的一种朗读方式。因为其目的不在于歌唱,所以比起民谣等土俗音乐,读书声的旋律更加原始,很好地体现了各地区音乐的音阶特征。从庆尚道汉学者李炳赫的读书声,可以找到庆尚道地区梅那里圈的特性和其变形。迄今为止学界认为梅那里圈有很多种变形,通过分析李炳赫的读书声可知,比起把梅那里的变形解说为Mi-Sol-La-do-re、Sol-La-do-re-fa、La-do-re-fa的Mi音阶或Sol音阶,把(do)-La-Sol-Mi (Fa)、re-do-La-(Sol)的下行旋律进行方式作为区分梅那里圈音乐的特征可能更为合理。总之,与其说民谣的音阶、旋法、旋律进行方式的区域音乐特征是根据旋律构成音的音程关系来区分的,还不如说Sigimsae、装饰音、旋律构造的进行方式等弱化了各地区音乐圈的特色。
The Mode of Korean Folk-song of Gyoungsang province were called Menari-Tori.It was consisted of Mi-Sol-La-do-re.But by the vary in different locaties or melodies the tone of the mode is different.The Melody of Eosayoung from Gyeongsang provinces is consist of Fa-Sol-La-do-re.It is converted to Do-Re-Mi-Sol-La,called Eosayoung-Tori.The Mode of Korean Folk-song of Gyeongsang provinces were called Gyeong-Tori.It was consist of Sol-La-do-re-mi.The note mi was changed to fa,occasionally.The Seongju-puri from Gyeongsang provinces was consisted the Gyeong-tori,Sol-La-do-re-mi,and it was called Nambu(Southern)-Gyeongtori.Lee Byeonghyeok,who is scholar of the Chinese classics,song the reading tune the classics,by the mode Sol-La-do-re-mi(fa),Gyeong-tori or La-do-re-mi(fa),Ban-Gyeongtori from Gyeonggi provinces.It is converted into(Re)-Mi-Sol-La-do like the Menari-Tori of the Gyoungsang provinces folk song.I can not distinct the scale of Lee’s reading tune,the Menari-Tori from Gyoungsang provinces or the Gyeong-tori from Gyeonggi provinces.According to this,the Menari-Tori,Mode or Scale of Gyoungsang province folk song in Korea,is not made a division by the scale,but the Melodic style,like(do)-La-Sol-Mi(fa)-re-do-La-(Sol).And there is a affinity between the Menari-tori and the Gyeong-tori in the scale.
Journal of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art