
颠覆罪的构成要素:基于香港特区《国家安全(立法条文)条例草案》的分析 被引量:1

Elements of Subversion:Analysis Based on National Security (Legislative Provisions) Bill 2003 in Hong Kong SAR
摘要 根据《香港基本法》第23条的规定,香港特区政府负有维护国家安全的宪制责任,特区政府在2003年推出了《国家安全(立法条文)条例草案》,但因为诸多原因并未完成立法。时至今日,特区政府仍然没有就颠覆罪等罪名完成相关立法。这就导致香港可能会成为支援内地策动或针对内地颠覆活动的基地。同时,由于我国《刑法》《国家安全法》《网络安全法》等维护国家安全的法律在香港特区无法适用,香港就成为了惩罚危害国家安全行为的真空地带。随着犯罪手段和方式的多样化,网络空间中的危害国家安全的犯罪行为同样需要关注。为解决这些隐患,本文对围绕颠覆罪的相关争议、颠覆罪的规范保护目的、颠覆罪与人权保障标准的关系等问题进行了论证,并对颠覆罪的构成要件及法律适用予以具体解读。 In accordance with Article23of Hong Kong Basic Law,the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has a constitutional responsibility for ensuring national security.But the National Security(Legislative Provisions)Bill,launched by the SAR Government in2003,has not been successful for many reasons.This has led to the possibility that Hong Kong could be a base to support instigation in the mainland or to implement subversion against the mainland.At the same time,laws in China,such as Criminal Law,National Security Law and Cyber Security Law,are not applicable.Hong Kong may become a vacuum zone for punishing crimes against national security.With the diversification of the means and modes of crimes,the crime that threatens national security in cyberspace also needs to be paid attention.To solve these hidden dangers,this article demonstrates the related issues surrounding the elements and purpose of subversion,the relation between subversion and the standard of human rights protection.It also gives a detailed interpretation of elements and application of subversion.
作者 严林雅 Yan Linya
机构地区 中山大学法学院
出处 《地方立法研究》 2018年第3期67-77,共11页 Local Legislation Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目"‘占中’后香港特区国家安全立法问题研究"(项目号:15ZD036)的阶段性成果
关键词 香港基本法 国家安全 颠覆罪 意图 Hong Kong Basic Law national security subversion intention
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