

Staff's Perception,Satisfaction and Participation Intention of Skills Contests Ceremony in New Century Hotel Group
摘要 本文聚焦中国本土酒店业组织仪式的重要实践成果——开元酒店集团技术比武,援引国外组织仪式功能论和相关学科的研究成果,结合技术比武本体特征,基于仪式受众(员工)的视角,建构员工感知量表,探讨员工对于技术比武的感知、满意度和参与意向,以及三者之间的潜在关系。通过对4家高星级酒店的651份样本数据进行探索性因子分析(EFA)和验证性因子分析(CFA),发现员工对于技术比武的感知包括愉悦价值、职业价值、学习价值和组织价值4个正面感知维度以及感知利失和负面感知两个负面感知维度。其中组织价值对于满意度和参与意向都具有显著正向影响,感知利失对满意度具有负向影响,负面感知对参与意向具有负向影响,感知维度会通过满意度影响参与意向。证实了仪式信念是仪式有效性的参与前因,与参与意向呈正相关。揭示了员工参与组织仪式行为过程中个体利益与组织利益的博弈,隐喻了现代商业组织建构的组织仪式,神圣的仪式化象征与世俗的功能性收益并存的事实,但理性个体更加重视仪式为组织带来的重要影响。 This paper focused on China’s crucial and typical practical results of Hospitality Industry Organizational ritual-Skills Contests in New Century Hotel Group(NCHG),cited organizational ritual function theory and the findings of researches on related disciplines,developed a Skills Contest scale to explore into the perception,satisfaction and participation intention,revealed the potential relationship from the perspective of Skills-contest ceremony audience(staff)at the Non-Liminal stage,and made an exploratory factor analysis(EFA)and confirmatory factor analysis(CFA)on 651 sample data from four NCHG’s high-star hotels.The results show that staffs’perception of Skills-contests includes four positive perception dimensions namely,Pleasure Values(PV),Career Values(CV),Learning Values(LV),and two negative perception dimensions including Organizational Values(OV),and Perceived Cost(PC)and Negative Perception(NP),among which PC has a negative impact on satisfaction and NP has a negative effect on the participation intention.The findings confirmed that belief in rituals is the antecedent of ritual effectiveness,which is positively related to the intention of participation.The paper also revealed the gaming of organizational interests and individual interests during the participation process,which implies that the sacred ritual symbols and the secular functional benefits coexist in the modern commercial organizational ritual,while rational individuals pay more attention to the essential effects on the organization.
作者 张海洲 张宏梅 卢松 陆林 ZHANG Haizhou;ZHANG Hongmei;LU Song;LU Lin(School of Geography and Tourism,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241003,China;College of tourism,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)
出处 《旅游科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期71-84,共14页 Tourism Science
基金 国家自然科学基金基金重点项目"中国都市圈旅游发展过程 格局和机制研究"(41230631)
关键词 组织仪式 感知 满意度 参与意向 开元技术比武 organizational rituals perception satisfaction participation intention skills-contest in New Century Hotel Group
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