
3D打印混凝土可塑造性能的研究 被引量:8

Study on shaping performance of 3D printing concrete material
摘要 3D混凝土材料的可塑造性能是3D打印混凝土建造技术的重点内容。对打印混凝土可塑造性能,包括物理形态的划分、成型时间的判别、承载力的计算以及变形与失稳破坏等方面进行了研究。提出了用可塑造时间比控制打印混凝土的成型时间,讨论了打印混凝土的流变过程及可能适用的流变模型,最后,分析了打印混凝土试体材料在受压过程中的变形机理,给出了各阶段变形控制、失稳破坏的建议。 The shaping properties of3D concrete materials are the key content of3D printing concrete construction technology.In this paper,the shaping performance of printing concrete is investigated,including the physical form of the division,determination of the molding time,bearing capacity calculation,deformation and instability damage and other aspects.The method of controlling the molding time of the printing concrete by shaping the time ratio is put forward,the rheological process of the concrete and the rheological model which may be applied are discussed.Finally,the deformation mechanism of the concrete specimen in the compression process is analyzed,and the deformation control,instability and damage of various stages are also proposed.
作者 雷斌 马勇 熊悦辰 胡小荣 LEI Bin;MA Yong;XIONG Yuechen;HU Xiaorong(School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330031,China)
出处 《混凝土》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第11期47-51,共5页 Concrete
基金 国家自然科学基金(51562024) 江西省自然科学基金(20151BAB206057) 江西省重点研发计划(20161BBG70056) 江西省研究生创新资金项目(YC2016-S092)
关键词 3D打印混凝土 可塑造性 承载力 变形 失稳 3D printing concrete shaping performance bearing capacity deformation instability
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