

A New Research of Duliao General(度辽将军) in the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties
摘要 西汉于昭帝元凤三年至宣帝地节三年间设置的度辽将军,其性质初为"出征暂置"的"杂号将军",自元平元年五月后则转变成佩"金印紫绶"的"列将军"。东汉度辽将军定制于光武帝建武元年,始置于明帝永平八年,是专典五原郡"度辽将军营"且佩"银印青绶"的"将兵将军",秩仅二千石,地位相对较低。东汉度辽将军与西汉度辽将军有着直接的承继关系,所不同的是,东汉度辽将军已不再是以卫尉兼任的"杂号将军"或"列将军",而是常设的专掌北边"屯警"的将军。两汉度辽将军为维护北部边疆安全发挥了积极作用。 Duliao General,a military rank set from the third year of Yuanfeng( 元凤)( era of Emperor Zhao) to the third year of Dijie( 地节三年)( era of Emperor Xuan) in the Western Han Dynasty,was a temporarily military general rank for battles which can be seen as one of the "varied general tittles ". It was since may in the first year of Yuanping( 元平) that the title was transformed into a"registered general"provided with a gold seal and a purple ribbon. When the time came into the Eastern Han Dynasty,the title Duliao General was re-mentioned in the first year of Jianwu( 建武)( era of Emperor Guang Wu) and awarded first in the eighth year of Yongping( era of Emperor Ming). It was then a general in command of soldiers,provided with a silver seal plus a cyan ribbon,and designated particularly for the"Camp of Duliao General"in Wuyuan( 五原),however it was still a relatively low rank with a salary of only 2 000 Dan millet per year. The setting up of Duliao Generals in the Two Han dynasties were with direct succession,except that the title in the Eastern Han was permanent and appointed particularly for governing "stated alarming forces"in the north,rather than one of the "varied general titles"or "registered"title held concurrently by a junior officer of garrison station in the Western Han. They both played a positive role for the empire security in northern frontier.
作者 李炳泉
出处 《中国边疆史地研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期25-38,213,214,共16页 China's Borderland History and Geography Studies
关键词 两汉王朝 度辽将军 职掌 承继关系 the Western & Eastern Han Dynasties Duliao General Charge of Duty Succession Relationship
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