

On Reading Behavior of We Chat Subscription from the Perspective of Stickiness
摘要 目前微信订阅号的总量已逾千万,但订阅号阅读量在大幅度地降低,用户对订阅号打开率和回头率不容乐观.针对订阅号用户的阅读行为、阅读动机和满意度等开展调研,在持续使用意愿模型基础上,构建了新的阅读黏性模型.通过实证研究,为微信订阅号运营提供建议. At present,the total number of WeChat subscription amounts to more than ten million,but the reading of WeChat decreases significantly,with an unoptimistic click and retention rate to WeChat subscription.Targeted at the subscribers’reading behavior,reading motivation and satisfaction,the paper attempts to construct a new reading stickiness model based on the continuance intention model.By empirical research,it puts forward some suggestions on the future development of the WeChat subscription.
作者 魏雪蕊 林瑶瑶 林意雪 王瑜萍 刘雅婷 徐宽宇 WEI Xuerui;LIN Yaoyao;LIN Yixue;WANG Yuping;LIN Yating;XU Kuanyu(School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Science, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, 312000)
出处 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2018年第7期100-104,共5页 Journal of Shaoxing University
基金 浙江省自然科学基金项目"CAI海马锥形神经元对外界刺激编码影响研究:钠 钙离子的作用"(LY16A050001) 国家自然科学基金项目"酵母细胞命运抉择动力学中关键分子和骨架网络的识别"(11705116) 浙江省教育厅项目"一类具有种群结构的媒介宿主疾病的全局稳定性"(FX2017059)
关键词 微信订阅号 阅读黏性 阅读动机 满意度 结构方程模型 WeChat subscription reading stickiness reading motivation satisfaction structural equation model
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