One city’s building model can reach millions or more,which makes the browser unbearable,in the GIS industry.Therefore,the use of LOD technology has become the only way to go.Since Cesium only supports the new data format Gltf which is newly published by the WebGL standard setting organization(Khronos),one hand,most of the models used in virtual cities are3Dmax models.,the other hand,no mature tool to transform the3Dmax model into Gltf,and the3D LOD is more complex than the2D LOD,so most of the Cesium users unable to load the massive3Dmax model data in the LOD way.In this paper,through independent development software,the massive3Dmax model is transformed into3Dtiles slice data that can be supported by Cesium,so as to load the massive3Dmax model in the3DGIS system of the browser.
YUAN Wei(School of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Chengdu University, Chengdu Sichuan 610106, China)
Beijing Surveying and Mapping