

An Empirical Study on the Influence Factors of Mobile Phone Dependence of College Students Based on SPSS and AMOS
摘要 科技改变生活,随着科技的发展,技术应用的普及,高等教育的首要任务是顺应时代背景,根据时代特点,与时俱进地改良教学方式方法。通过研究分析三亚航空旅游职业学院大学生生活行为方式,尤其是从性别、年级、品牌、使用时间、阅读内容、使用目的、消费方式等不同方面分析研究大学生手机应用习惯,得出手机依赖度对大学生学习生活影响的分析结果。在差异性检验方面采用独立样本t和单因素方差分析检验各主要研究变量的差异,通过对建设性学习、破坏性学习和学习行为进行信度检验和验证性因子分析,以及采用结构方程模型进一步探究各主要研究变量之间关系,更有效地了解和掌握新时期大学生行为规范,为教育创新做好基础工作。 Technology has an influence on people’s lives,as the development And application of technology,people’s lives,recreation,and the way of learned have a great change in recent decades.At present,as a mean of communication,mobile phones have entered many aspects of people’s live,such as communication,entertainment,internet business,and learning.However people reverse the positions of the host and the guest,and depend on it.This thesis expounds the in uence of mobile phones on college students’learning and life through investigating the students’dependence of mobile phones in Sanya Aviation&Tourism College,and drew a conclusion that college students have a depth of Dependency on mobile phone.The results showed that some college students Have a depth of de-pendency on mobile phones,they always use mobile phones as the main tools for internet and entertainment,at the same time,more and more college students are willing to communicate with friends on the Internet instead of communicating face to face;and we also found that female college students have a higher de-pendency than that of male college students;and the price of mobile phone,online time and spending are positively correlated with mobile phones dependency,which also can directly reflected the dependency on mobile phones;Finally,we found that the higher dependency on mobile phone,the greater in uence of study and life.This shows that mobile phones have a depth of dependency on college students,and far from its basic function.And mobile phone has a main affect up-on college students’learning and life.Using mobile phone reasonable can be beneficial to the college students’life and study.
作者 欧志鹏 OU Zhi-peng
出处 《海南广播电视大学学报》 2018年第4期110-116,共7页 Journal of Hainan Radio & TV University
关键词 手机 研究调查 生活学习影响 依赖度 SPSS Amos mobile phone college student empirical study
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