
籼粳杂交稻与常规粳稻产量、干物质氮素累积转运及氮素利用差异研究 被引量:9

Differences of yield,accumulation and translocation properties of dry matter and N,and N use efficiency between indica-japonica hybrid rice and japonica rice
摘要 在相应栽培密度下,通过田间试验研究了浙江省主栽籼粳杂交水稻(甬优12和嘉优中科6号)和常规粳稻(秀水134)的个体和单位面积群体产量、产量构成,及其对氮肥施用的响应特性,同时对其干物质和氮素的累积、转运特性,以及氮素利用效率开展研究。结果表明:甬优12和嘉优中科6号的个体、单位面积群体及日产量均高于秀水134,其中,个体产量优势更明显。尽管籼粳杂交稻单位面积穗数和结实率相对较低,但其穗大粒多。随施氮量增加,甬优12和嘉优中科6号产量呈增加趋势,而秀水134产量在施氮量超过200 kg·hm^(-2)后即呈下降趋势。甬优12和嘉优中科6号个体和单位面积群体的干物质和氮素累积均高于秀水134,其中个体差异更明显。整体而言,甬优12和嘉优中科6号单位面积群体齐穗期后干物质和氮素转运量较少,转运效率较低。甬优12和嘉优中科6号的氮素利用效率高于秀水134,然而主要表现为氮素吸收效率高,生理利用效率差异不明显。由此可见,籼粳杂交稻的干物质形成和氮素吸收能力高于常规粳稻,但转运量和转运效率较低。另外,与氮素吸收效率相比,籼粳杂交稻的氮素生理利用效率仍有待进一步提高。 A field experiment was conducted to study the differences of yield,yield response to nitrogen(N)fertilizer application based on the individual and the unit area within indica-japonica hybrid rice cultivars Yongyou 12 and Jiayouzhongke 6,and japonica rice cultivar Xiushui 134 under respective planting densities.Meanwhile,yield components,accumulation and redistribution properties of dry matter and N,and N use efficiencies were also studied.The results showed that the yield based on the individual,unit area and daily output of Yongyou 12 and Jiayouzhongke 6 were higher than that of Xiushui 134,among which the difference of individual yield was more obvious.Although the spike number of unit area and seed setting rate of indica-japonica hybrid rice were relatively lower,the advantages of large panicle with more spikelets were more obvious.With the increase of N fertilizer input,the yields of Yongyou 12 and Jiayouzhongke 6 showed increasing trend.While,the yield of Xiushui 134 began to decline when N input was over 200 kg·hm-2.The accumulations of dry matter and N for both individual and unit-area rice plants of Yongyou 12 and Jiayouzhongke 6 were higher than that of Xiushui 134,of which the individual difference was more obvious.Generally speaking,translocation amounts or efficiencies of dry matter and N for the unit-area in Yongyou 12 and Jiayouzhongke 6 were relatively lower than those of Xiushui 134.Yongyou 12 and Jiayouzhongke 6 showed higher N use efficiencies,which is mainly characterized as higher N uptake efficiency,other than physiological N use efficiency.In conclusion,the indica-japonica hybrid rice cultivars possessed obviously stronger abilities in biomass development and N uptake compared to the japonica rice cultivar.However,their translocation amount and efficiency were lower.Compared with its N uptake efficiency,the physiological N use efficiency in indica-japonica hybrid rice cultivars should be further improved.
作者 陈贵 陈梅 张红梅 王士磊 施卫明 程旺大 CHEN Gui;CHEN Mei;ZHANG Hongmei;WANG Shilei;SHI Weiming;CHENG Wangda(Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Science,Jiaxing 314016,China;Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China)
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期1992-2000,共9页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
基金 浙江省自然科学基金(LY16D050002) 国家自然科学基金(31572205) 嘉兴市科技计划(2018AY11020 2017AZ13025 2016BZ26006) 浙江省重大研发计划(2016C02050-3) 浙江省粮油产业技术团队项目 嘉兴市农业技术推广基金会项目"菌渣及稻草主要成分及其生态循环利用研究"
关键词 籼粳杂交水稻 常规粳稻 产量 累积转运特性 氮素利用效率 indica-japonica hybrid rice japonica rice yield accumulation and translocation properties N use efficiency
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