

Demise or Usurp?——Analysis on the Deconstruction of the Myth of Kingship in Ancient China
摘要 以尧舜禅让、鲧禹治水及成汤祈雨神话为中心,分析考察这些神话所反映的现实及神话原型,将这些神话和中国境外一些神话及周边民族神话进行比较,并结合文明化历史之前的社会暴力现实,对这些神话进行了解构和剖析。得出如下结论:尧舜禅让神话是根据儒家的理想主义和墨家的尚贤思想编写而成的故事,其中所讲的"禅让",实际上是动用武力实现政权交替的一种政治事件;而鲧禹治水神话是权力之争使父子间发生冲突,导致出现杀父行为的一出悲剧;成汤祈雨神话虽把成汤美化为爱民圣君,但事实上成汤作为巫君遭杀害的可能性极大。这种认识能够使我们摆脱帝王世系的束缚,从断裂和非连续性层面上来理解中国古代王权。这能够给我们提供新的思考空间。人们普遍认为,中国神话没有被文学化或体系化,但从上述结论来看,中国神话与西方神话相比较而言,它已经在相当大的程度上被人文化了,只是其层次不同而已。在此,我们还应关注中国传统文化机制,这种机制是形成现存中国神话特质及模式的重要基础。 Centered on Yao-Shun demise,Gun-Yu harnessing the water and Cheng Tang praying for raintthis paper analyzes the reality and mythological prototype of these mythstand compares these myths with some myths outside China and the mythology of the surrounding nationalities.Combined with the social violence before civilizing history,these myths are deconstructed and analyzed.The following conclusions are drawn:Yao-Shun demise is a story wriiien according to ihe idealism of Confucianism and Mohist Thought of Advocating Virluetin which the demise is actually a kind of political event that uses force to realize the alternation of political power.The myth of Gun-Yu governing che water is a cragedy that conflicts between father and son caused by the struggle of power,resulting in the behavior of killing father.Although the myth of Cheng Tang praying for rain beautify Cheng Tang as the emperor who loves the people,it is in fact very likely chai Cheng Tang as a witch monarch to be killed.This understanding enables us to free ourselves from the bondage of imperial lineages and10understand Wang Quan in ancient China from the level of fracture and discontinuity.This can give us new thinking space.lt is generally believed that Chinese mythology has not been literalized or systematized,but from the above conclusion,compared with western mythology,Chinese mythology has the characteristics of human culture lo a large extent,but its level is differeni.Here.we should also pay attention10the traditional Chinese cultural mechanism,which has been covering up or changing the violent facts such as war and killing,and this mechanism is an important basis for the formation of the existing Chinese mythological characteristics and patterns.
作者 郑在书 崔丽红 李定河 Jae-Seo Jung(Dept.of Chinese Literature, Ewha Womans Univ.Seoul)
出处 《长江大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第6期1-7,26,共8页 Journal of Yangtze University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中央高校科研专项资金重大培育项目(CCNU16Z2010)
关键词 禅让 放伐 暴力 周边文化 帝王世系 文化机制 demise banish violence peripheral culture emperors' genealogy cultural mechanisms
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