按GB/T 12688.3-2011方法测定苯乙烯聚合物含量,该方法仅给出了适用于聚合物含量范围为1~15 mg/kg的苯乙烯样品的测定,当样品聚合物含量大于15 mg/kg时,仅告知应在测定前进行适当的稀释,具体用什么作为稀释剂来稀释并未给出明确的说明,然而,在实际生产过程中,苯乙烯聚合物含量常常是大于方法给出的最大测定范围的,故采用什么物质来稀释,稀释后测定结果是否可靠,需要进一步研究。目前,普遍采用的是甲苯稀释法,该方法要消耗大量的甲苯,对人体毒性大,长期接触会造成神经衰弱,女性有月经异常等症状,另外,苯乙烯和甲苯共同使用时,还有的增毒作用,可引起白细胞减少和血红蛋白下降;除了损害皮肤以外,还刺激粘膜引起咽痛;对女性的生殖机能的生理过程的损害也明显增大。采用本体稀释法不仅可以减少单一甲苯对人体的伤害,而且还大大避免了苯乙烯和甲苯共同使用对人体更大的毒害,且不影响分析结果的准确性,两种稀释方法得到的试样所测得的聚合物含量偏差均小于5 mg/kg。利用t检验法比较,结果表明,两种稀释方法之间不存在显著性差异。
Picked according to GB/T 12688.3-2011 method for determining the content of styrene polymers,the method is applied to polymer content is given only to 1~15 mg/kg of the sample is styrene,when sample polymer content is more than 15 mg/kg,just let us know should be performed before the determination of the appropriate dilution,what specific use as a diluent to dilute did not give a clear instructions,however,in actual production process,the content of styrene polymers is often greater than the method of maximum range of measurement,what material is adopted to dilute,Further study is needed to determine the reliability of the diluted results.At present,toluene dilution method is widely used,which needs to consume a large amount of toluene,which is highly toxic to human body.Long-term contact will cause neurasthenia,abnormal menstruation and other symptoms in women.In addition,when styrene and toluene are used together,there is a toxic effect,which can cause white blood cell reduction and hemoglobin decline.Besides damaging the skin,it also stimulates the mucosa to cause the pharynx pain;The damage to the physiological process of female reproductive function is also obviously increased.The bulk dilution method can not only reduce the harm of single toluene to human body,but also greatly avoid the greater toxicity to human body caused by the co-use of styrene and toluene without affecting the accuracy of the analysis results.The difference in the polymer content measured in the samples obtained by the two dilution methods is less than 5 mg/kg.T test method was used to compare the results.
Li Yajuan(Yan’an Refinery of Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., Yan'an 727406, China)
Guangdong Chemical Industry