

On the Superiority and Advanced Nature of Socialism with Chinese characteristics
摘要 资本主义建立400多年来,尽管曾在历史上发挥了重要作用,但随着时代进步,其优势已不再明显。而中国特色社会主义却展示了其特色性、先进性、优越性,在全球成为一枝独秀。中国特色社会主义是中国共产党在马克思主义理论指导和中华文化影响下,自主创新的新型社会制度及其形态,他从本质上与苏联等社会主义国家相区别,在经济、政治制度上独树一帜,具有鲜明的特色性。中国特色社会主义是超越传统社会主义和现代资本主义的新型社会制度,它不仅克服了资本主义制度的固有缺陷,还确立了中国特色社会主义的民主集中制、公有制为主体与多种所有制共同发展的经济体制以及中国式新结构经济学管理模式,具有时代的先进性。中国特色社会主义与资本主义特别是发展中资本主义国家相比,在经济社会稳定发展、区域协调、发展成果共享、应对重大自然和社会危机等方面取得了突出成就,具有显著的优越性。科学认识中国特色社会主义特色性、先进性、优越性,对于我们对内强化中国特色社会主义"四个自信"、对外讲好中国发展故事具有重要意义。 Although capitalism has been playing an important role in history for more than 400 years,with the progress of the times,its advantages are no longer obvious.The socialism with Chinese characteristics has demonstrated its distinctiveness,advanced nature,and superiority,and has become a unique choice in the world.Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a new social system and form that is created by independent innovation of the Chinese Communist Party under the influence of Marxist theoretical guidance and Chinese culture.It is with distinctive characteristics,and is essentially different from the socialist countries such as the Soviet Union,and is unique in economic and political systems.Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a new social system that transcends traditional socialism and modern capitalism.It not only overcomes the inherent defects of the capitalist system,but also establishes the unique economic system which is featured in democratic centralism of socialism with Chinese characteristics,public ownership as the main body,and the development of multiple ownership systems.The economic system and the Chinese-style new structural economics management model have the advanced nature of the times.Compared with capitalist countries,socialism with Chinese characteristics has achieved outstanding achievements in economic and social stability,regional coordination,development results sharing,and response to major natural and social crises,and has remarkable advantages.Scientific understanding of the characteristics,advancement and superiority of socialism with Chinese characteristics is of great significance for us to strengthen the"four self-confidences"of socialism with Chinese characteristics and to well tell the story of China's development.
作者 刘金堂 Liu Jintang
出处 《决策与信息》 2019年第1期48-54,共7页 Decision & Information
关键词 中国特色社会主义 特色性 先进性 优越性 经济制度 政治制度 新结构经济学管理 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Characteristic Advanced Nature Superiority Economic System Political System New Structural Economics Management
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