In the diagnosis of car chassis faults,the traditional time-domain and frequency-domain analysis methods have a good effect on fault location,but in the diagnosis of local defects,these methods are not ideal.This is due to the fact that the existence of the chassis local fault is likely to lead to instantaneous sudden change signal,resulting in occasional impact,so that the vibration signal from a stable state to a non-stationary state.When the fault characteristic signal is weak,the traditional spectrum detection method is difficult to achieve a good effect,that is,the ability to eliminate noise is weak,and the ability to recognize the subtle fault characteristic signal is not enough,thus affecting the effectiveness and accuracy of diagnosis.Wavelet analysis has the ability to recognize the local features of the signal,and through the use of a lot of recognition and processing tools,further research can be conducted.Based on the present situation of chassis fault diagnosis,the signal processing technology based on wavelet and the method of feature recognition and extraction are deeply discussed in this paper.
Technology Innovation and Application
chassis noise
feature extraction
wavelet image