

The Compensation of Life: “the Childlike Innocence” Redemption in Wordsworth's Poems
摘要 华兹华斯留给后人的佳作除了歌颂自然的诗歌之外,还存在着大量歌颂儿童,或是满怀童趣的诗歌。他对儿童、童年时代有着独特的看法及情感,无论是对于自然还是儿童的推崇,都体现出他强烈的"回归"或者"逆流"意识。他用诗歌表达"童心",实现对人生的"反刍"。他在凝思中获取诗意的欢情,在灵视(vision)中解读大地上的悲情,而"童心"始终影响并参与了这些过程。华兹华斯式浪漫主义对儿童或"童心"的推崇旨在强调保持人的天性中能与山川大地共栖的灵动活力,且追求盎然生趣的幸福人生,是人本主义和自然主义的结合。 Besides the poems about nature,William Wordsworth have also composed a lot of child praising or childlike innocent poems.He had a unique viewpoint or affection towards children,which reflected his strong consciousness of reversion or countercurrent.He used poems to express the theme of childlike innocence so as to make a compensation for life.Childlike innocence influenced on or participated in the processes of his poetic happiness from meditation and the understanding of sadness by vision.When romanticists like Wordsworth eulogized children or Childlike mind,they emphasized the vitality in human which could coexist with earth and pursued the happy vital life.This ideology is the combination of humanism and naturalism.
作者 袁霜霜 YUAN Shuang-shuang(Faculty of Humanities and Media, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China)
出处 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2019年第1期53-59,共7页 Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition
关键词 华兹华斯 诗歌创作 童心 Wordsworth poem creation Childlike innocence
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