
基于坚定信仰的自觉使命担当——论雨花英烈精神的本质 被引量:2

On Essence of Yuhuatai Revolutionary Martyrs' Spirit:A Conscious Commitment Based on Firm Belief
摘要 雨花英烈精神展示了共产党人的崇高理想信念、高尚道德情操、为民牺牲的大无畏精神,这一精神不仅是中国共产党人"初心"之典范,也是近现代以来中华民族仁人志士为拯救民族苦难而英勇奋斗精神之楷模。而贯穿其中的灵魂是基于马克思主义武装的坚定的信仰,坚定的信仰使他们比同时代的其他人更能真正理解青春的意义,更能自觉自愿地进行自我革命、舍弃个人荣华富贵,更能具有为解救人民的苦难和民族的解放而不畏牺牲、勇于献身。在今天功利主义、相对主义和怀疑主义蔓延的精神焦虑日益普遍化的时代里,弘扬雨花英烈们身上所闪耀出来的坚定的信仰和基于此的自觉使命担当,对教育党员干部自觉地进行自我革命无疑具有极其重要的现实意义。 The spirit of Yuhuatai revolutionary martyrs demonstrates the Communists’lofty ideals and convictions,noble moral sentiment,and the fearless spirit of sacrifice for the people.This spirit is not only a model of the Chinese Communists’“original aspiration”,but also a good example for Chinese people with lofty ideals to strive to save the national suffering in modern times.The soul running through it is the firm belief based on Marxism and it is the firm belief that enables them to better understand the significance of youth than anyone else of their generation,makes them more willing to launch a self-revolution and abandon their personal wealth and power,and pushes them to dedicate themselves to saving the people from their plight and realizing the liberation of the nation.Nowadays,in an era of increasingly universal spiritual anxiety with the spreading of utilitarianism,relativism and skepticism,it is undoubtedly of great practical significance to educate the CPC members and cadres to consciously conduct a self-revolution by carrying forward Yuhuatai revolutionary martyrs’firm belief and conscious commitment.
作者 黄明理 徐子淇 HUANG Ming-li;XU Zi-qi(College of Marxism,Hohai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu,201198,China)
出处 《江苏第二师范学院学报》 2018年第5期1-5,124,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Second Normal University
关键词 雨花英烈 雨花英烈精神 信仰 使命 Yuhuatai revolutionary martyrs spirit belief commitment
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