
加快建设中国特色自由贸易港的政策建议 被引量:10

Policy Suggestions on Accelerating the Construction of Free Trade Ports with Chinese Characteristics
摘要 本文在借鉴国际上自由贸易港(区)和我国自由贸易试验区发展经验的基础上,重点分析研究新时期我国建设自由贸易港应该坚持的方向目标、应该处理好几个方面的关系。论述了建设中国特色自由贸易港的目标和功能定位,应处理好几个关键关系,提出了我国建设中国特色自由贸易港的政策建议。 Based on the development experience of free trade ports(zones)in the world and free trade pilot zones in China,this paper focuses on the analysis of the direction and objectives that China should adhere to in building free trade ports in the new era and the relationships that should be dealt with in several aspects.On this basis,it clarifies that we should develop the goal and function orientation of building a free trade port with Chinese characteristics that serves the goal of building a strong socialist modernization country,break through the confinement of ideas,functional industries, policies and administrative divisions, and deal with several key relationships,and puts forward some policy suggestions for the construction of free trade with Chinese characteristics in China.
作者 元利兴 田栋 Yuan Lixing;Tian Dong
出处 《全球化》 2018年第12期52-62,133,共12页 Globalization
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