
帮助情境中的预测偏差:成因与应对 被引量:4

Prediction errors in helping and help-seeking: Causes and coping
摘要 理解帮助情境中社会性判断的特征对促成高效率和满意度的互动具有深远的现实意义。帮助与被帮助者因占据不同角色,对帮助可能性、质量、心理感受和偏好方式等存在不对称的知觉,进而在预测对方心理与行为时发生偏差,可能阻碍合作的产生和亲社会行为的传递。此类偏差具有必然性,受个体认知策略局限性和社会性因素的影响,并可根据其成因有的放矢地应对。未来可以探讨帮助发生的媒介、双方的社会关系以及帮助的类型与偏差的关系。 Understanding the characteristics of social judgments in helping and help-seeking is profoundly essential to facilitate efficient and satisfactory interactions among human beings. Potential helpers and help-recipients have asymmetric perceptions in several aspects, including likelihood of seeking or receiving help, efforts invested in helping, anticipated emotions, and preferred manners in which aid is given. In consequence, they frequently mispredict how others truly think, feel and behave, which may inhibit the occurrence of cooperation and the spread of prosocial behavior. We propose that such prediction errors are inevitable under the joint influence of individual cognitive limitations and social factors. To bridge the gap between helpers and help-recipients, individuals and organizations should take its causes into account. Future research is encouraged to investigate the manifestation of prediction errors in online helping, emotional assistance, and between close others.
作者 王逸璐 谢晓非 WANG Yilu;XIE Xiaofei(School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences and Beijing Key Laboratory of Behavior and Mental Health, Peking University, Beijing 100080, China)
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期117-127,共11页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71472005 71772007) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(91224002)
关键词 帮助 求助 社会性判断 自我中心主义 观点采择 helping help-seeking social judgment egocentrism perspective-taking
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