Traditional architectural technology is faced with risks of dying out despite it being an indispensable part of architectural heritages. The integrated teaching mode of "teaching, learning, and doing", which is advocated by vocational education and which is characterized by an emphasis on the cultivation of professional skills and practical abilities of students, corresponds to the severe training and hammering required for the heritage of traditional architectural technology. Some certain results have been achieved in the experimental teaching while deficiencies have been revealed as well. In response to these deficiencies, the study took the Metropolitan Construction Engineering Department of Guangzhou City Polytechnic for example to discuss the teaching mode of traditional architectural technology in vocational col eges.
Traditional architectural technology is faced with risks of dying out despite it being an indispensable part of architectural heritages. The integrated teaching mode of "teaching, learning, and doing", which is advocated by vocational education and which is characterized by an emphasis on the cultivation of professional skills and practical abilities of students, corresponds to the severe training and hammering required for the heritage of traditional architectural technology. Some certain results have been achieved in the experimental teaching while deficiencies have been revealed as well. In response to these deficiencies, the study took the Metropolitan Construction Engineering Department of Guangzhou City Polytechnic for example to discuss the teaching mode of traditional architectural technology in vocational col eges.