
高职生精神生活发展的困境及其实践选择——兼论以社会主义核心价值观建设引领高职生精神生活发展 被引量:1

Difficulties in and Practice Choice of Polytechnic Students' Spiritual Life Development: Employing Socialist Core Values Construction as a Leading Orientation of the Development of Polytechnic Students' Spiritual Life
摘要 个体精神生活发展离不开个人世界观、人生价值观的确立以及理想的选择、道德品质的修养,更离不开社会核心价值观的引导和自觉践行。社会转型时期高职生精神生活发展存在着信仰匮乏,忽视对意义的追寻;文化认同模糊,政治意识淡化;消费主义盛行,价值取向功利化;轻视品德修养,责任意识淡薄;文化素养不高,鉴赏审美低俗化;闲暇生活理性控制薄弱,随意性强等问题。以社会主义主义核心价值观建设引领高职生精神生活发展,在于找准高职生精神生活发展的实践方式,以塑造其正确的世界观、人生价值观,促进其对理想的选择,提升其道德品质修养,从而全面改善和提升其精神生活质量。 The development of individual spiritual life is closely related not only to the establishment of their views of the world and the value of their life,their ideals and moral standards but also to the orientation of core socialist values through active practice.At the age of social transformation,the development of polytechnic students’ spiritual life is characterized by the following problems: lack of belief and neglect of the pursuit for meaning; ambiguity in cultural recognition and weakness in political aware.ness; low cultural standards accompanied by low taste esthetic appreciation; lack of reasonable control of spare time spoiled by ran.domness.Employing the construction of socialist core values is to correctly find its way of practice so as to establish their right views of the world and the value of their life,enhance them to select the correct ideals and raise their moral standards and qualities,which will ultimately transform and elevate their spiritual life quality completely.
作者 尚艳琼 SHANG Yanqiong(Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce,Wuxi 214153,China)
出处 《辽宁农业职业技术学院学报》 2019年第1期31-34,共4页 Journal of Liaoning Agricultural Technical College
基金 江苏省教育厅2016年哲学社会科学课题(2016SJD710078)
关键词 高职生 精神生活发展 困境 社会主义核心价值观 实践选择 Polytechnic students spiritual life development difficulties socialist core values practice choice
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