
旅游景区微信公众号服务内容及用户需求分析——以广东省5A景区为例 被引量:9

An Analysis on Scenic Spot Service Contents of Wechat Public Account and Users' Needs: A Case Study of 5A Scenic Spots in Guangdong Province
摘要 微信公众号是用户覆盖率较高的移动互联网媒介之一,也是旅游景区与旅游市场用户进行沟通、服务与互动的重要平台,其服务内容和对用户需求响应值得关注。以广东省的5A景区微信公众号为案例,在对服务内容分析的基础上,结合Kano模型,通过问卷调查法探究目前旅游景区公众号的用户需求满足状况。研究发现:高级别旅游景区开通公众号比例高,但影响力还不高。在旅游景区微信公众号提供的多项服务中,游玩攻略和购票预订等服务为对用户满意度有影响的期望型需求,周边服务属于兴奋型需求,景区公众号用户对这三项服务的需求度相对较高,用户对其他服务项目前的需求度较弱。未来旅游景区公众号应精简服务,并提升用户需求度较高的服务项功能。 Official Account on Wechat is a new form of media with high user coverage.It is an essential platform for scenic spots to interact with customers and to provide services for customers. The service contents and the needs of users should be paid attention to. Taking Wechat official accounts of 5A scenic spots in Guangdong as the case, this paper explores their responses to users’ needs based on the analysis of service contents,the Kano Model and a questionnaire survey. The followings are the findings: Most 5A scenic spots are aware of the importance of Wechat official accounts and they have built up their own ones. However,those accounts have not been fully used by customers.Touring strategies and ticket booking are the most expected needs, which are also the most influential item on the satisfaction of customers. Surrounding service is the excitement-oriented need. Users show more needs to these three functions, while they have fewer needs for other functions. In the future, scenic spots should condense the service contents and improve functions of the most-needed services.
作者 史甜甜 陈少婷 SHI Tiantian;CHEN Shaoting(School of Tourism Management, South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,Guangdong, China;Guangdong Nanhai Rural Commercial Bank Company Limited,Foshan 528200, Guangdong, China)
出处 《旅游研究》 2019年第1期26-41,69,共17页 Tourism Research
关键词 微信公众号 服务内容 用户需求类型 5A景区 广东省 scenic spots official accounts service content Kano model users’ needs
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