
大数据环境下高校图书馆的业务与机构重组探讨——以中国药科大学图书与信息中心为例 被引量:8

Discussion on Business and Institutional Reorganization of University Libraries under the Environment of Big Data——Taking Librar y and Information Center of China Pharmaceutical University as an Example
摘要 大数据技术对高校图书馆的发展产生了一定冲击,促使图书馆业务与机构作出相应的调整。以中国药科大学图书与信息中心为例,介绍了大数据应用背景下图书馆业务与机构重组的实践经验。大数据环境下高校图书馆业务与机构重组,使得部门间合作环环相扣,促成大数据业务流程的顺畅运行。这是高校图书馆的核心业务由"文献流"转向"数据流"的重要调整,是高校图书馆可持续发展的必然举措。 Big data technology has exerted a certain impact on the development of university libraries, and asked libraries to respond to such impact. Taking the Library and Information Center of China Pharmaceutical University as an example, the practical experience of library business and institutional reorganization under the background of big data application is introduced. The interlocking cooperation between various departments within the library can promote the smooth implementation of big data business processes. Under the big data environment, the adjustment of university library business and departments is an important adjustment for the core of university libraries to turn from "document flow" to "data flow", and also an inevitable measure for university libraries to develop.
作者 李沛
出处 《图书馆研究与工作》 2019年第1期37-40,共4页 Library Science Research & Work
基金 2018年中国药科大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(人文社科类-培育项目)"大数据环境下高校图书馆的应对模式和服务创新研究"(项目编号:2632018PY33)的成果之一
关键词 大数据 高校图书馆 图书馆服务 业务重组 机构变革 big data university library library services business reorganization institutional change
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