

Study on protection measures of important pipelines near deep foundation pit
摘要 结合浙江嘉兴某地块案例,分析深基坑施工过程中易对管线产生影响的工况。通过采取针对性的设计措施及施工措施,确保基坑施工中管线的安全,为以后的类似工程提供经验。 Combined with the case of a certain block in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, this paper analyzes the working conditions that influence pipeline easily during the construction of deep foundation pit. We take targeted design and construction measures to ensure the safety of the pipeline in foundation pit construction and to provide experience for similar projects in the future.
作者 郭小卫 Guo Xiaowei(Shanghai Changkai Geotechnical Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200093, China)
出处 《山西建筑》 2019年第2期43-44,共2页 Shanxi Architecture
关键词 深基坑 石油管线 变形控制 deep foundation pit oil pipeline deformation control
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