由于旅游与互联网的不断融合,外出旅游已经成为当今休闲娱乐一种热潮。然而,旅游景区往往因为路线错综复杂,设施标志不明确或者不完整,加重了景区工作人员的工作负担,也给游客带来诸多不便。利用百度地图的LBS(Location Based Service)服务,基于安卓平台开发了既能满足游客自助游需求也能方便景区管理的景区导览系统。文章重点阐述了客户端模块的功能设计和相应的具体实现方法,并且总结了系统的不足和需要改进之处。
Due to the continuous integration of tourism and the Internet, traveling has become an upsurge of leisure and entertainment. However, the tourist attractions, often because of complex routes, facilities logo being not clear or incomplete, increase the workload of scenic area staff, and bring a lot of inconvenience to tourists. Using the LBS(Location Based Service) service of Baidu Maps, based on the Android platform, this paper develops a scenic spot guide system, which can not only meet the needs of tourists but also facilitate the management of scenic spots. The paper focuses on the functional design of the client module and the corresponding specific implementation methods, and summarizes the shortcomings of the system and the need for improvement.
Technology Innovation and Application