
从集体安全、联盟安全到自助安全——论印度的拥核之路 被引量:1

Collective Security to Alliance Based Security to Self-reliant Security: India's Path to Becoming a Nuclear State
摘要 本文通过对印度拥核历史的回顾,试图解答印度从面临"安全威胁"到实施核试验为何延迟近十年之久这一问题。传统理论认为,国家维护安全的方式主要有三种,即诉诸集体安全、联盟安全与自助安全。在中国于1964年10月成功实施核试验之后,印度自认为其国家安全受到威胁,但却并未立即诉诸自行发展核武器的自助安全方式,而是先后尝试了寻求联合国框架下的集体安全方式,以及争取美国或苏联的安全保障的准联盟安全方式,因此造成了独立研发核武器在时间上的延迟。但由于寻求外部安全保障的努力收效甚微,在此情势下,印度最终走上了自行研发核武的自助安全方式。 This article attempts to explain why ten years went by between the time that India began to face a security dilemma,and the time that it finallyconducted a nuclear test.This is accomplished through a careful review of the historical path that India took to becoming a nuclear state.Traditional theories argue that states have three major means of ensuring security:relying on collective security;establishing alliances;and pursuing self-reliant security.FollowingChina's successful nuclear test in October of 1964,India began to perceive a threat to its state security,yet it did not immediately attempt to develop nuclearweapons by its own.Instead it first sought collective security under the frameworkof the United Nations and later attempted to establish an alliance with the United States and Soviet Union,either of which might have provided a credible security assurance.These efforts were the reason why its own nuclear weapons possession was delayed for so long.In the end,as efforts to obtain an external security assurance yielded limited fruits,India resolved to opt for self-reliance through its own research and development of nuclear weapons.This article provides further evidence in support of the theory that seeking security is the fundamental incentive of states'nuclear behaviors.It also illustrates that there are multiple modalities whereby which states can obtain security.
作者 丁伊 沈丁立 Ding Yi;Shen Dingli
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2018年第4期18-38,155,共22页 South Asian Studies
关键词 印度 核武器 集体安全 联盟安全 自助安全 WORDS:India Nuclear Weapons Collective Security Alliance Security Autonomous Security
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