
政治伊斯兰与阿富汗社会发展之逻辑关系辨析 被引量:2

Analysis of the Logical Relationship between Political Islam and Afghan Social Development
摘要 "政治伊斯兰"是将伊斯兰教作为某种政治意识形态和政治斗争的工具,以实现某种特定的政治目的的社会思潮、社会运动和组织形态的统称。因为国情差异及年代所处历史时期不同,政治伊斯兰的表现方式、利用手段和政治目标也表现各异,体现出具体性和多样性的特征。自20世纪70年代末伊朗伊斯兰革命以来,政治伊斯兰成为影响地区和国际局势的重要因素,也是近年来国际政治研究的热点问题之一。鉴于阿富汗独特的地缘政治地位,政治伊斯兰成为影响阿富汗政治现代化进程的一个重要变量。从20世纪中期在反对世俗化和左派政治"异见者"中形成,到20世纪90年代"塔利班"崛起与执政,再到"九一一"事件后被推翻和"伊斯兰国"在阿富汗的成功渗透等,政治伊斯兰在阿富汗国家构建和战后重建进程中的重要影响力彰显。在国际社会的大力协助和阿富汗人民的努力下,阿富汗战后重建取得了重要成就,但前景仍不容乐观。 "Political Islam"is a collective term for socialism, social movements, and organizational forms that use Islam as a tool of political ideology and political struggle to achieve a particular political purpose. Because of the differences in national conditions and the historical periods, the expressions, means of application, and political goals of political Islam are also different, reflecting the characteristics of specificity and diversity. Since the Islamic Revolution in Iran in the late 1970s, political Islam has become an important factor affecting regional and international situations, and it is also one of the hot issues in international political studies in recent years. Political Islam has fomed in the mid-20th century against anti-secularization and leftist political "dissidents", and risen to the administration of the Taliban in the 1990s, and then been overthrown after the "September 11"incident and at last been penetrated by the"Islamic State"in Afghanistan successfully, which manifests the important influence of Political Islamin the process of Afghanistan's national construction and post -war reconstruction. Thanks to the great assistance of the international community and the efforts of the Afghan people, Afghanistan's post-war reconstruction has made important achievements, but the prospects are still not optimistic.
作者 张吉军 张婷 Zhang Jijun;Zhang Ting
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2018年第4期93-111,156,157,共21页 South Asian Studies
基金 2016年度国家社会科学基金一般项目“政治伊斯兰对中国实施‘一带一路’战略的影响及对策研究”(项目批准号:16BZZ090)的阶段性成果.
关键词 阿富汗 政治伊斯兰 政治发展 塔利班 伊斯兰国 Afghanistan Political Islam Political Development Taliban Islamic State
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