In 2016,the legal status of the network vehicle operation was clearly confirmed at the level of the state ministries and commissions.Amid a shared economic climate,the online car hiring platform,a symbol of optimal resources allocation,had a huge impact on the traditional taxi industry.The traffic accident disputes revolving around online-hired car are becoming even more serious when the operation of the online hiring car network expects more growth in the sharing opportunity.In the private car model,the"express car"identified by the employment relationship and the"get a ride"determined by the interposition relationship are different in the accident liability confirmation for the trip platform in the traffic accident In a new economic climate,the proper protection of the existing stakeholders is an important part of the prevention of traffic accident liability disputes.The forty-sixth article of the draft tort law(indoor draft)lacks the necessary distinction between the various types of motor vehicles on the online travel platform,resulting in the unidentified responsibility.Through the division of private cars and non-private cars,the forty-sixth platform responsibility problem can be reconstructed to achieve a delicate balance between the protection of legal interests and the tension of freedom of conduct.
Journal of Huainan Normal University
travel platform
private car
tort liability
network reservation vehicle