
胆道疾病患者外科手术后胃肠功能恢复的临床研究 被引量:2

Study the gastrointestinal recovery after the surgery of biliary tract disease
摘要 目的:分析胆道疾病患者外科手术后给予不同处理,患者胃肠功能恢复情况。方法:收治行胆道外科手术患者253例,分两组。观察组127例(常规治疗+综合治疗)、对照组126例(常规治疗),观察围手术期不同处理方式患者术后恢复情况,对术后12 h、1 d、2 d患者腹痛程度进行评分,比较两组术后并发症发生情况,检测患者胃泌素治疗前后水平变化。结果:观察组肠鸣音恢复、肛门排气用时短,且术后12 h、1 d、2 d疼痛评分低(P<0.05),术后观察组胃泌素水平高于对照组(P<0.05),观察组并发症发生少(P<0.05)。结论:临床对胆道手术者围手术期给予综合治疗,患者术后并发症少、恢复快、疼痛弱。 Objective:To analyze the effect of different therapies in the gastrointestinal recovery after the surgery of biliary tract disease.Methods:253 patients undergoing the surgery of biliary tract disease were selected,they were divided into the two groups, the observation group(n=127) received conventional treatment and comprehensive treatment and the control group(n=126)adopted conventional therapy alone.After therapy,the postoperative recovery, pain degree of stomachache after 12 h,1 d and 2 d after surgery,the incidence rate of complications and gastrin contents were probed.Results:The observation group had the shorter recovery time of bowel sound and exhaust time and lower pain scores after 12 h,1 d and 2 d of surgery(P<0.05).After surgery,the gastrin contents in the observation group were higher than the control group(P<0.05).The incidence rate of complications in the observation group was lower than the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The comprehensive therapy can reduce the incidence rate of complications,promote the recovery and relieve the pain.
作者 刘志武 高雪梅 Liu Zhiwu;Gao Xuemei(Department of General Surgery,Mianyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Sichuan 621000;Department of Supply Room,Mianyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Sichuan 621000)
出处 《中国社区医师》 2018年第36期38-39,共2页 Chinese Community Doctors
关键词 围手术期 胃肠功能 肝胆 综合治疗 Perioperative Gastrointestinal function Hepatobiliary Comprehensive therapy
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