
开启水土保持植物开发管理新时代 支撑服务水土保持生态建设新征程 被引量:1

Launch a New Era of Development and Management of Soil and Water Conservation Plant and Support a New Journey of Serving Soil and Water Conservation Ecological Building
摘要 沙棘中心成立20多年来,坚持人与自然和谐共生基本方略,有计划、有组织地对不同水土流失类型区高效水土保持植物进行研究、开发和推广,用实效诠释了习近平总书记"绿水青山就是金山银山"的理念,全面推进全国不同水土流失类型区高效水土保持植物的资源调查、信息库建设、开发研究、技术推广、咨询服务和种植示范基地建设,充分发挥水土保持植物在治理水土流失、改善生态环境中的重要作用,实现了持续健康发展。系统总结了沙棘中心在推进水土保持植物资源建设中的作用与成效,并提出了下一步工作重点。 Since the founding of the Sea-Buckthorn Development Management Center for more than 20 years,it persists in the basic strategy of harmonies co-existence between human and nature,studies,develops and popularizes high efficient soil and water conservation plant in different types of soil and water loss areas in a planned and organized way,effective interpretation "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets "of Xi Jinping ’s thought,comprehensively promotes the survey of high-efficient plant resources of soil and water conservation,information base building,development and research,technology extension,consulting services and planting pilot base construction of different soil and water loss areas in China,takes the maximum advantage of soil and water conservation plant in the aspects of soil and water loss control and ecological environment improvement and achieves sustainable and healthy development of the Sea-Buckthorn Development Management Center. The paper systematically summarized the effect of promoting the plant resources for soil and water conservation conducted by the Sea-Buckthorn Development Management Center and put forward the key work of next stage.
作者 卢顺光 LU Shunguang(Sea-Buckthorn Development Management Center / Soil and Water Conservation Plant Development and Management Center of Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《中国水土保持》 2018年第12期17-20,84,共5页 Soil and Water Conservation in China
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0501705 2016YFC0501602) 晋陕蒙砒砂岩区十大孔兑沙棘生态减沙工程项目(发改农经[2012]3977号)
关键词 沙棘 水土保持植物资源 建设成效 存在问题 工作重点 sea-buckthorn plant resources for soil and water conservation construction effect exiting problem key work
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