使用激光-CMT复合焊接方法对2 mm厚的30Cr3SiNiMoVA超高强度钢薄板进行焊接,焊后对其宏观形貌进行观测,并测量焊缝熔化面积和试件变形量。相比于单激光焊,激光-CMT复合焊可以获得成形良好、过渡圆滑的焊缝,焊缝中下部熔宽增加,在较小电流的情况下可适应1. 6 mm的对接间隙及1. 0 mm的错边量。通过对焊接参数与热输入量的比较,得到了与激光复合时CMT电弧热输入的效率系数约为0. 32~0. 42。提出一种控制激光-CMT熔滴过渡及热输入的横向复合方式,在保证激光与电弧复合效果的基础上降低热输入,采用该方式对壳体构件进行焊接,焊后圆度为0. 4 mm,抗拉强度达到752 MPa,试件断裂在母材位置。
Laser-CMT hybrid welding was used to weld 30 Cr3 SiNiMoVA ultra high strength steel sheet with the thickness of 2 mm. The melting area was measured by observing macroscopic morphology and the deformation of specimen was also recorded. The results show that,compared with laser welding,good appearance and smooth transition weld can be obtained by laser-CMT hybrid welding. In addition,the weld width of bottom part is increased,which contributes to the adaption of 1. 6 mm assembly gap and 1. 0 mm malposition under the low current condition. The thermal efficiency coefficient of CMT( coupling with laser) is 0. 32-0. 42 by calculating welding parameters and heat input. A lateral hybrid method of laser-CMT was proposed to control the heat input. The roundness error of cylinder welded by this method is 0. 4 mm.The specimen is broken at the base metal and the tensile strength is 752 MPa.
Zhu Pingguo;Lu Wei;Chen Chun;Pan Lihua;Lei Zhenglong(Shanghai Space Propulsion Technology Research Institute,Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology,Shanghai 201109,China;State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China)
Welding & Joining