

Application of Participatory Communication in Appreciative Course Teaching——Taking the Course of Admiring Advertising Works as an Example
摘要 参与式传播是发展传播学的一种工作方法,本研究试图将参与式传播引入欣赏类课程,赋权给大学生,以提高大学生的主动学习、自我表达能力和自信。文章以2018年上半学期的"广告作品欣赏"课程的参与式传播教学为例进行探讨。该课程采用让学生自选案例参与到课堂教学中,结果发现,欣赏类课程中大学生通过互联网能有效地参与进案例的选择和传播,在提升大学生主动学习、自我表达和自信上有积极效果,但是对案例的评析仍然缺乏知识的理论性关照。最后,文中进一步反思了这样的学生参与式课程模式。 Participatory communication is a working method for the development of communication.This study attempts to introduce participatory communication into the class of appreciation classes and empower college students in order to improve their active learning,self expression and self-confidence.This paper takes participatory communication teaching in the first half of 2018 as an example.The course uses the case of students to participate in the classroom teaching.The results show that in the class of appreciation class,college students can actively and effectively participate in the selection and dissemination of cases through the Internet.However,in the evaluation of the cases,there is still a lack of theoretical and systematic consideration of knowledge.Therefore,this paper further explores the improvement and development of this student participation curriculum model.
作者 向娟 陈鹏 XIANG Juan;CHEN Peng(Anhui University of Finance and Econcmics,Hefei 233000,China)
机构地区 安徽财经大学
出处 《南昌师范学院学报》 2018年第6期44-46,共3页 Journal of Nanchang Normal University
关键词 参与式传播 欣赏类课程 广告 传播者 受众 participatory communication appreciation course ad communicator audience
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