
论新时代思想政治教育的亲和力 被引量:23

On the Affinity of Ideological and Political Education in the New Era
摘要 明确新时代思想政治教育定位是增强亲和力的前提。亲和关系可以分为"同质性的亲和关系"和"非同质性亲和关系",亲和力实质上是一种相互性问题,增强思想政治教育的亲和力,本质上就是要把握思想政治教育的相互性。在思想政治教育活动过程中把握作为思想政治教育主体的基本特性的相互性、作为信息基本特性的相互性和作为基本实践活动的相互性,推动3个层面相互性的有机叠加,形成思想政治教育的主体生态。为此,提升亲和力的核心是破解"理论与现实脱节"的难题、根本是增强思想政治教育的相互性、关键是创新思想政治教育话语。既要增强理论的阐释力,增强理论解释现实问题的能力,不断创新思想政治教育话语,又要立足信息文明创构人的生态,在不断丰富和优化人与人之间的信息关系、相关关系、实践关系中真正解决人们的思想问题,进而增进理解、促进共识、增强价值认同,发挥良好的领航作用。 To enhance the affinity of ideological and political education in the new era,it is necessary to clarify its orientation.The relationship of affinity can be divided into “homogeneity affinity”and “heterogeneity affinity”,which is a reciprocity issue.Understanding and “heterogeneity affinity”the reciprocity of ideological and political education is the key to enhancing the affinity of ideological and political education.In the process of ideological and political education activities,it is of great importance to comprehend the reciprocity of the basic characteristics of ideological and political education subject,the reciprocity of the basic characteristics of information and the reciprocity of the basic practical activities.Then,it is possible to promote the organic superposition of those three levels to form the ecological subject of the ideological and political education.Therefore,to strengthen the affinity of ideological and political education,it is compulsory to take measures as follows: solving the problem of “ discreteness between theory and reality”,strengthening the reciprocity of it and innovating the discourse of it.Such measures may strengthen the explanatory power of theory,improve the ability of explaining realistic problems and create human ecology based on information civilization.Only by means of improving informational relationship,reciprocity relationship and practical relationshipamong people can people's ideological problems be dealt with.Then,mutual understanding may be enhanced,consensus may be promoted,value identification may be strengthened and a good leading effect may be achieved.
作者 邱仁富 QIU Renfu(School of Marxism,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China)
出处 《河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期9-14,90,共7页 Journal of Hohai University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 上海高校马克思主义理论研究一般项目(ZX2018-YB19) 中央马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重大项目(2017YZD09)
关键词 思想政治教育 亲和力 针对性 新时代 相互性 ideological and political education affinity pertinence new era reciprocity
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