近年来,扬州市委、市政府高度重视文化强市建设,围绕把扬州建设成"古代文化与现代文明交相辉映的名城",修古城文脉,养新城文气,不断健全完善现代公共文化服务体系。其中, 城市书房建设,就是满足市民对于美好生活需要的切实举措。扬州,坚持在最繁华、最漂亮、离老百姓最近的地方建设城市书房,打通图书馆服务的"最后一公里",打造十五分钟公共文化服务圈。目前,全市已建成开放26家城市书房,3年来书房新增读者办证量近10万张,年均120多万人次走进书房阅读,逐渐形成了扬州特色的金色名片。
In recent years, the Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have attached great importance to the construction of culturally strong city. Focusing on building Yangzhou into a “famous city of ancient culture and modern civilization”, Yangzhou revises the context of the ancient city, maintains the style of the new city, and constantly improves the modern public cultural service system. Among them, the construction of city library is to satisfy the public’s practical needs of a better life. Yangzhou adheres to the most prosperous, beautiful, and the nearest place to the people to build city library, and opens up the “last kilometer” of library services, as well as creates a 15 minute public cultural service circle. At present, 26 city study rooms have been built and opened up in the city. In the past three years, nearly 100,000 new readers have applied for certificates. Each year, more than 1.2 million readers have entered the study rooms to read, which gradually forms a golden card with Yangzhou characteristics.
New Century Library
City library
Nationwide reading
Yangzhou Library
Public culture service