
林黛玉逃难入贾府 脂砚斋滴血写红楼——甲戌本第三回评点(系列之4)

Lin Daiyu Fled to the Jia Mansion and Shiyanzhai Wrote A Dream of Red Mansion Sadly——A Series of the Comments on Jiaxu Version 4
摘要 一部红楼巨著,就其本质意义来说,乃为新旧(曹頫和脂砚斋)两人接续写作的结果——曹霑参与的一个回次的写作,仅仅具有象征意义。新、旧两人写作两部书稿,由两条线索、两个开端整合而成:其一,石头原作旧稿以秦钟、秦可卿为中心的开端,原本时间在前;其二,脂砚斋新稿以自身人生经历为底本的开端,故事发生时间在后。脂砚斋重评重写《石头记》,全面修改整合了全书的主题、内容和结构,以自己的自传经历为第一线索,因以黛玉入府作为全书的叙事开始,并不断铺垫后来的秦钟、秦可卿、凤姐等宁国府家族故事。凤姐原型在宁府,因为后来的情节需要而调整在荣国府。 A Dream of Red Mansion as a great work, what the essential significance is in that it is the result of Cao Fu and Shiyanzhai wrote continually----Cao Zhan participated in the first chapter, only has a symbolic significance. Two persons wrote two manuscripts from combining with two threads and two beginnings of the story: firstly, the old manuscript wrote by Shitou started with Qin Zhong and Qin Keqin as the center, which occurred earlier; secondly, the new manuscript wrote by Shiyanzhai started with his own life experience, which occurred later. Shiyanzhai re-commented and rewrote the Story of the Stone,completely recomposed and integrated the theme, content and construction of the book and took his own experience as the first thread, taking Daiyu coming to the mansion as the beginning of the story, and then, constantly foreshadowed the stories of Qin Zhong, Qin Keqin and Wang Xifeng. The prototype of Wang Xifeng had been in the Ning Mansion, and then, was adjusted to be in the Rong Mansion in accordance with the need of following plots.
作者 木斋 MU Zhai(School of Literature,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)
机构地区 吉林大学文学院
出处 《云梦学刊》 2019年第1期1-13,共13页 Journal of Yunmeng
关键词 黛玉 逃难入府 脂砚斋 曹頫 石头记 Daiyu fled to the Jia Mansion Shiyanzhai Cao Fu Story of the Stone
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