

A Study on Kunio Yanagita and Performing Arts
摘要 目前学界普遍认为,柳田国男对于作为传承资料的表演艺术,即民俗表演艺术研究,是持否定态度的。各地流传下来的歌谣、舞蹈、戏剧等表演艺术,也就是所谓的民俗表演艺术,在20世纪30年代前后开始成为民俗学的研究对象。柳田国男一开始也曾参与其中,将表演艺术看作是民间传承的研究资料,并且对其抱有关注及期待。之后,在以本田安次为代表的研究者们的努力下,战前以及战后的民俗表演艺术研究很快就取得了深层次的发展。只是这种表演艺术研究受到戏剧学(理论)的过多影响,似乎未能达到柳田国男的期许。柳田国男在表演艺术研究领域留下了诸多影响深远的著述,例如论及祭祀表演艺术的作用及功能的《日本的节日》(1942年),着眼于民间宗教者及表演艺术家的《女性的灵力》(1927年)、《巫女考》(1913—1914年)、《毛坊主(1)考》(1913—1914年)、《俗圣(2)沿革史》(1921年)等。就上述关于柳田国男对表演艺术的研究,笔者希望通过将其与几乎是同时代且同样在民俗学界举足轻重的折口信夫取得的研究进行比较,来阐明柳田国男表演艺术研究的特质,进而选取处于城市化进程中的民间表演艺术为对象,探索以民俗学的方法来进行研究的可能性。 In current academia, Yanagita is considered to be negative about entertainment as a material of tradition, or the study on folk entertainment.From the end of Taisho to the beginning of Showa(around 1930), entertainment such as singing, dancing, performing a play, etc. or the so-called folk entertainment handed down in today’s regions came to the forefront as subjects of folklore studies.At the beginning, Kunio Yanagita also became involved in the subject, and had interest and expectations in entertainment as a folkloric material and its study.Before and after the war, studies on folk entertainment were deepened and developed more rapidly by researchers including Yasuji Honda. Such studies came mostly under the influence of theater studies(theories), and apparently did not respond exactly to the expectations of Yanagita. As for the works on the folk entertainment of Yanagita, there are Nihon-no-matsuri(1942), which analyzes the role and the function of entertainment in religious services, and Imo-no-chikara, Miko-ko, Kebozu-ko, Zoku-hijiri-enkakushi, etc. which draw attention to religious persons and entertainers in the private sector, which shows that he produced many important works also in the study of entertainment.This article clarifies the characteristics of those studies on entertainment by Yanagita by comparing them with the work of Shinobu Orikuchi, who also left important works in the study of folk entertainment in the same period, and also investigates the possibility of the study by the folkloric method in the studies of entertainment in the currently urbanized private sector.
作者 松尾恒一 晁汐(译) 郭海红(校译) Matsuo Koichi;CHAO Xi;GUO Hai-hong
出处 《文化艺术研究》 CSSCI 2018年第4期152-164,共13页 Studies in Culture and Art
基金 山东省社会科学规划项目“日本文化资源化理论与实践译介研究”(项目编号:17CKPJ08)的阶段性成果。
关键词 柳田国男 民俗表演艺术 折口信夫 祭祀与表演艺术 祭礼 Kunio Yanagita folk entertainment Shinobu Orikuchi religious and performing art ritual
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