
刑事陪审团指示制度研究——论中国刑事诉讼人民陪审员指示的完善 被引量:7

Research on the instruction system of criminal jury: On the perfection of the instructions of people's jurors in China's criminal proceedings
摘要 刑事陪审团指示是陪审制国家的一项重要制度,在英国、美国等传统陪审制国家,这项制度显得尤为重要。陪审团指示作为陪审团制度重要的组成部分,是陪审团审判刑事案件必不可少的环节。陪审团指示主要存在口头指示、书面指示,以及两种指示结合的指示方式;指示的时间通常为陪审团退庭评议之前,但是在评议过程中,对需要进一步指示的问题,陪审团也可以要求给予指示。陪审团指示的内容是其最主要的部分,主要包括法官对陪审团的一般指示、关于法律的指示,以及关于证据的指示。陪审团指示不当也是陪审团审判中经常出现的情形,对此,有些国家按照指示错误是否有害对陪审团指示不当进行了区分。人民陪审员制度是中国特有的诉讼制度,但是,在实践中还存在一些问题。就人民陪审员指示而言,中国在完善人民陪审员制度时可以借鉴国外陪审团指示的形式,保障人民陪审员的有效参与。 Criminal jury instruction is an important system in jury system countries. This system is very important in traditional jury system countries such as Britain and the United States. As an important part of the jury system, jury instruction is an indispensable part of the jury’s trial of criminal cases. Jury instructions mainly consist of oral instructions, written instructions, and the combination of the two. The time of instruction is generally before the jury’s review of the court, but in the course of the review, as to questions requiring further instructions, the jury may also require instructions. The contents of jury instructions are the most important part, including the general instructions of the judge to the jury, the instructions on law and the instructions on evidence. The jury’s misconduct is also a frequent occurrence of jury trials, and some countries have made distinctions as to whether the errors are harmful or not. The system of people’s jurors is a unique litigation system in China. However, there are still some problems in practice. As far as the instructions of people’s jurors are concerned, China can, in perfecting the system of people’s jurors, draw on the form of jury instructions from foreign countries to ensure the effective participation of the people’s jurors.
作者 刘梅湘 孙明泽 LIU Meixiang;SUN Mingze(Supreme People’s Procuratorate Applied Law Research Base, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, P. R. China)
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期132-144,共13页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家法治与法学理论研究项目"非羁押强制措施适用难题破解"(16SFB2029) 重庆市研究生科研创新项目"刑事电子数据收集程序规制研究"(CYB18142) 西南政法大学学生科研创新项目博士生项目"英国通讯数据提取程序研究"(2016XZXS-002)
关键词 陪审团指示 指示内容 不当指示 无害错误 人民陪审员指示 jury instructions content of instructions improper instructions innocent error people’s jurors’ instructions
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