
美国发展教师领导力的路径与方法探析 被引量:4

Development of American Teacher Leadership:Pathways and Methods
摘要 美国对教师领导力(teacher leadership)的研究发展至今已将近四十年,在教师发展领域仍是一个热点话题。一方面,美国通过提供发展教师领导力的教育培训、建立发展教师领导力的平台、实施发展教师领导力的计划等多种途径来促进教师领导力的发展;另一方面,美国又通过提高教师个人专业能力、发展有效的学校领导力、实施增加教师领导机会的政策和手段等多种方法来全方位地发展教师领导力。美国这种多途径、全方位地发展教师领导力的做法,为我国教师发展提供了重要的参考。 Teacher leadership in the United States has been developing for nearly forty years and it is a hot topic in teacher development.The United States promotes the development of teacher leadership by providing education and training on teacher leadership,establishing platforms for developing teacher leadership,and implementing projects for the development of teacher leadership.Besides,the United States develops teacher leadership in all aspects with the ways of developing teachers’ personal abilities,developing effective school leadership,and improving the policy instruments that provide teachers’ leading opportunities.This multi-modal,multi-faceted and multi-angle development of teacher leadership in the United States provides an important referential value for China.
作者 朱爱玲 ZHU Ailing(Faculty of Education, Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
出处 《教师教育学报》 2019年第1期92-99,共8页 Journal of Teacher Education
基金 重庆市社会科学规划项目"重庆中小学教师‘专业+生命’的成长样态研究"(2017YBWT10) 项目负责人:兰英 重庆市教育科学规划课题"重庆地区乡村教师的生存与发展研究"(2016-GX-082) 项目负责人:兰英
关键词 美国 教师领导力 路径 方法 the United States teacher leadership pathways methods
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